Harold posted: "Giacomo8/10/2012The 2012 presidential election is heating up. The national conventions for both parties are just around the corner and Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are already busy duking it out. One thing I keep hearing Obama say is how he is for th" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude" | | Giacomo 8/10/2012 The 2012 presidential election is heating up. The national conventions for both parties are just around the corner and Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are already busy duking it out. One thing I keep hearing Obama say is how he is for the middle class. He is our friend and savior, says he. [...] Read more of this post Harold | August 10, 2012 at 7:07 am | Categories: Corruption, Debt, Elections/Voting, Employment, Executive, Financial, Food Stamps, Food/Water, Health Insurance, Homes, Politics, Progressives, Propaganda, Socialism/Communism, Sovereignty, States Rights, Welfare | URL: http://wp.me/pmtmV-8mu | | | |

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