He is Chew Gum, mighty, mighty Chew Gum. Everywhere he goes, people want to know ,who he is, so we tell them. He is Chew Gum, mighty, mighty Chew Gum, etc, etc.
Dr. Eowyn posted: "The Obama 2012 Campaign invokes slavery to frighten blacks When one had achieved nothing after nearly four years as President, then desperation sets in. And so, the POS sends his sorry excuse of a Vice President to not just play the race card, but play i" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | The Obama 2012 Campaign invokes slavery to frighten blacks When one had achieved nothing after nearly four years as President, then desperation sets in. And so, the POS sends his sorry excuse of a Vice President to not just play the race card, but play it in the vilest conceivable way. Today, VP Joe Biden told an audience of 800 black supporters at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville, Virginia, that Mitt Romney would put them "back in chains" with his Wall Street financial deregulation plans. "Romney wants to, he said in the first 100 days, he's gonna let the big banks again write their own rules, unchain Wall Street," said Biden, who then lowered his voice and added, "They are going to put y'all back in chains."  Asked about the comments on MSNBC, the POS's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said the POS probably agrees with Joe Biden's sentiments. Mitt Romney's spokesperson Andrea Saul said that the POS's campaign had hit the gutter: "In case anyone was wondering just how low President Obama could go in his campaign for re-election, we now know he's willing to say that Governor Romney wants to put people in chains. Whether its accusing Mitt Romney of being a felon, having been responsible for a woman's tragic death or now wanting to put people in chains, there's no question that because of the President's failed record he's been reduced to a desperate campaign based on division and demonization." In a statement, Saul called on the POS to distance himself from his VP's comments, "After weeks of slanderous and baseless accusations leveled against Governor Romney, the Obama Campaign has reached a new low. The comments made by the Vice President of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden's comments." Saul should also ask the POS to tell his VP about the differences between Virginia and North Carolina, as Biden confused the two. He actually told the mainly black audience in Danville, VA, "We can win North Carolina!" But then the POS himself isn't any brighter than his VP. Recall that back in 2008, the POS had thought there were 58 states in the U.S.A. What a pathetic sorry excuse of a POTUS and VPOTUS America has. :( And if the black audience in Danville actually believe Biden -- that Romney would bring back slavery -- then they are too stupid to vote. ~Eowyn Dr. Eowyn | August 14, 2012 at 5:22 pm | Tags: demagoguery, fear mongering, Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, race baiting | Categories: 2012 Election, Evil, Liberals/Democrats, Obama, Race, Racism, Republican Party, Romney, United States, US Presidents | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-gtu | | | |

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