July, 27, 2012 — nicedeb  I have to confess I have a nagging fear about the upcoming election. Even though all indications point to Romney winning in November, I worry that the usurper currently in office has no intention of leaving and will be manipulating events to keep himself in place. Whether through dirty tricks, voter fraud, a Wag the Dog scenario, civil unrest leading to martial law, or a combination of all of those things, Bam is planning on staying. Tyrants don't go quietly. Read more ... Sard | July 31, 2012 at 11:48 am | Categories: #OWS, ACORN, American Culture, American Sovereignty, Communications, Communism, Conservatism, Crime, Cultural Marxism, First Amendment, GOP, House of Representatives, Legal/Judicial, Main-Stream Media, Marxism, National Security, Presidential Campaign, Progressive Movement, RNC, Senate, Social Engineering, Social Justice, Socialism, Tea Party, Totalitarianism, U.S. Constitution, Union Actions | URL: http://wp.me/p1SHGG-6Be | | | |

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