New post on Fellowship of the Minds | |  Eric Pfeiffer reports for Yahoo! News, Jun 12, 2012: A group of Idaho high school students have created a 15-foot-long grill modeled after a Smith & Wesson Magnum 500 revolver. The students created the gun-shaped grill as part of a project in their welding class and donated the final product to a local gun store. When the grill is fired up, its smoke is released through the barrel-shaped exhaust port, giving the appearance that the revolver has just been shot. "We'll use it for customer-appreciation barbecues, functions, and have it front of the store," Wrenco Arms co-owner Doug Harlicker tells the Bonner County Daily Bee. "It's kind of a neat little deal." Harlicker's son Stefan was one of the students who worked on creating the grill. H/t FOTM's Laura B.! ~Eowyn | | | |

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