Tearing a page straight out of Chairman Mao's bloody revolution in China, a U.C. Berkeley professor George Lakoff, a Democratic strategist, and graduate student Elizabeth Wehling, have published a manual for progressives entitled "The Little Blue Book." The book is receiving race reviews from the likes of George Soros and Van Jones.
Often, when pointing out the Marxist origins of progressivism in American politics, some will balk at the fact that the Progressive Movement is synonymous with communism. But, once again, the evidence and facts provide ample proof tthe modern-day progressive is indeed steeped in Marxist-Leninist ideology.
The timing of the release of the Little Blue Book has some historical parallels with Mao's infamous Little Red Book. For example, following the disaster of the Great Leap Forward, Mao went into seclusion and became more and more reclusive. Although Mao was out of the spotlight, he continued to plot on ways to further his Communist revolution. Mao thought the Communist ideology had not been spread sufficiently. Tens of millions of copies of Mao's Little Red Book–a collection of quotes and sayings from Mao– were published and handed out to the masses. The Little Red Book became a necessary accoutrement for the Chinese masses. The Communist propaganda machine portrayed Mao as a god.
From BBC:
"From May 1966, student members of the Communist Party were encouraged to carry copies of Mao's Little Red Book of quotations. Acting under Mao's leadership, these 'Red Guards' used his quotations in their mission to weed out intellectuals. With themes such as Correcting Mistaken Ideas and All Reactionaries are Paper Tigers, the quotations became the standard by which all revolutionary efforts were judged."

The Blaze cites Blogger Zombie (no link provided) for providing the following explanation of the "The Little Blue Book" (emphasis added):
Before you even open the book, its sly self-referential gamesmanship leaps off the cover: the very title itself is a wink-wink-nudge-nudge ironic-but-not-really reference to Chairman Mao's Little Red Book, the kind of hidden-meaning secret message that progressives like to call a "dog whistle," although they insist that only conservatives resort to such underhanded gambits.
Chairman Mao and his bloody revolution in China resulted in the greatest genocide in human history--over 40 million killed as a result of Mao's demonic reign. Why anybody would use it as a model and inspiration for "social change" is beyond me. But, then again, some folks are just plain evil.
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