New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | This whole time, I thought law enforcement officials were to uphold the law of the land. That was before radical Obama goon, Eric Holder, was appointed. It's almost like they welcome voter fraud. From The Miami Herald: he Justice Department ordered Florida's elections division to halt a systematic effort to find and purge the state's voter rolls of noncitizen voters. Florida's effort appears to violate both the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects minorities, and the 1993 National Voter Registration Act – which governs voter purges – T. Christian Herren Jr., the Justice Department's lead civil rights lawyer, wrote in a detailed two-page letter sent late Thursday night. I don't recall the VRA protecting individuals living in the US illegally. State officials said they were reviewing the letter. But they indicated they might fight DOJ over its interpretation of federal law and expressed frustration that President Barack Obama's administration has stonewalled the state's noncitizen voter hunt for nine months. "We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot," said Chris Cate, spokesman for Secretary of State Ken Detzner, who was ordered by Gov. Rick Scott to conduct the search for potentially ineligible voters. DOJ's written demand came hours after the agency refused to comment on the matter to The Miami Herald. It also followed a federal court ruling Thursday that struck down a Republican voter-registration law that a judge found too onerous. So far, Florida has flagged 2,700 potential noncitizen voters and sent the list to county elections supervisors, who have found the data and methodology to be flawed and problematic. The list of potential noncitizen voters – many of whom have turned out to be lawful citizens and voters – disproportionately hits minorities, especially Hispanics. Noncitizens can't vote but Democrats love to protect the voting rights of criminals and dead folk. American minorities, having US citizenship, are protect by the VRA, not illegal noncitizens. About 58 percent of those flagged as potential noncitizens are Hispanics, Florida's largest ethnic immigrant population, a Miami Herald analysis found. Hispanics make up 13 percent of the overall 11.3 million active registered voters. Think that has something to do with the fact that we share a border with Mexico whose population is majority Hispanic? | | | |

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