New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | It's not enough that he piled up more debt than previous presidents. It's not enough that his runaway spending has hiked up our national debt to nearly $16 trillion, more than America's GDP. Now, Obama wants you to give him your wedding gifts, bar/bat mitzvah gifts, anniversary gifts, even your birthday gifts -- just so he can get reelected to another four years of even more runaway spending and even more debt.  Bob Unruh reports for WND, June 22, 2012, that the Obama campaign has announced "The Obama event registry" where brain dead Obamabots can register to donate: "Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up? Register your next celebration – whether it's a birthday, bar or bat mitzvah, wedding, or anniversary – with the Obama campaign. It's a great way to show your support for a cause that's important to you on your big day. Let your friends know how important this election is to you – register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It's a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it's a gift that we can all appreciate – and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl. Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy – so get started today." Read the rest of Unruh's article, here. H/t FOTM's Miss May. ~Eowyn | | | |

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