Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the verb "[to] bow" as "to bend the head, body, or knee in reverence, submission, or shame"; "to incline (as the head) especially in respect or submission."
When the President of the United States meets other heads of state, he does so not just as himself. He is representing the American people. And the People of the United States of America do not bow "in reverence, submission, or shame" to anyone.
But Obama's doing it again -- bowing to the political leader of yet another country.
First, Obama bowed low in obeisance to the king of Saudi Arabia:

Then, Obama bowed low in obeisance to the emperor of Japan -- that antiquated feudal holdover, whom many Japanese still believe to be the direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu.

Now, he's bowing to the president of Mexico -- that POS who recently praised Obama for going over Congress to extend amnesty to illegal alien youths:

Mexican President Felipe Calderon welcomes Obama to Mexico for the G20 Leaders Summit in Los Cabos, Baja California, June 18, 2012. (Photo by Paul J. Richard of AFP)
H/t WeaselZippers
But when he's speaking to the American people, that fraud has his chin arrogantly up in the air like the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini:

No wonder other heads of state don't respect him.
CBS reports this morning that not only did Obama "not get an agreement from Russian president Putin [on Syria], interestingly [...] President Obama got a bit of a lecture from Putin about some other failed transitions that are going on around the world."
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