It's gonna be good in Tampa my friend!
Speaking of Köln, this was an interesting post in another group yesterday.....Check this out! I am getting at least 50-something miles to the gallon in this Audi, maybe better:
I got to talking to Mark about other automotive subject matter....Namely, I want this ride!
An Audi A-3 Cabriolet; "Zoom Zoom Zoom (Once Again) Auf Das Autobahn!
I have been seriously considering buying a (used) Audi A-4 Cabriolet.....This is the A-3, which is not made in North America.....This is literally a jet on wheels. It's a diesel, (my A-1 and A-3 over here last year were both diesels) and it is amazing how clean, non-gumming, and how fast these rides are! They are literally a jet on four wheels!
Another side note......It is rare to find an automatic transmission in Europa. Which is what I want. It is almost impossible to find a five speed stick manual in the U.S........
I do need this ride! At least a 2009 Audi A-4 automatic Cabriolet! It's a bad ride!
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 2:31 PM, MJ <michaelj@america.net> wrote:
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Writes Mike Cuneo:
"Where to begin? He can't win a state, he has a secret deal with Romney, hes unelectable, he's running out of money, he has 50 or maybe 80 delegates tops, he doesn't matter, he is just trying to install Rand as VP, no wait, he wants to be VP himself, he gets big crowds but no votes, he only gets votes at caucuses, his supporters engage in mischief by voting for him, eventually all these Ron Paul supporters will coalesce around Romney, but the best one, or the one that still has legs (not really, just according to the MSM) is that Ron wants a "prime speaking slot" in Tampa.
"Why? So the mainstream media can continue their sickening blackout, and report breaking news--Romney and Obama tied in a heads up poll!--instead of showing the speech?
"Ron doesn't need to make another speech in his life, he is a living legend with tons of amazing town halls and rallies and YouTube videos already available. Its not like he will flip flop and say something drastically new, he will hammer home the same points about the fed and wars as always. Why would we expect FOX or CBS to tune in when we get to Tampa if they haven't yet?
"One last lie (I hope) is that delegates are bound to Romney on the first ballot. Here's hoping they can and will abstain, and cause mayhem at the convention! Why follow the rules if the GOP doesn't? Unless it hurts Ron, they should do whatever it takes.
"As I said months ago, Ron has already won in 2012 because he has dominated the battle of ideas. The nomination would be icing on the cake.
"I can't stop smiling and counting down to Tampa, it will hopefully be like Nevada and Maine on steroids. Go get em, Ron!"
At 12:31 PM 5/8/2012, you wrote:
Because, " Paul can't win and none of this matters" in the overall scope of things. What some of these talking heads miss, is what the Paul campaign's goal is. I hope that you don't miss it either.....
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 8:16 AM, MJ <michaelj@america.net> wrote:
- The most pertinent portion of the piece:
- Why else would they be bringing back the talking points that Paul can't win and none of this matters? If what Paul is doing now does not matter, why were they covering it?
- Regard$,
- --MJ
- "Obama's reelection campaign motto should be "no hope and no change." For that matter, so should be Romney's, Gingrich's, & Santorum's." -- Jacob Hornberger
- At 02:46 AM 5/8/2012, you wrote:
- Like most conservatives, I think it's great what the Paul campaign is doing! I want to see a strong influence by Paul in the Republican Platform, and even in some aspects of foreign policy. Having said that, what exactly are you missing? Cameron is correct.
- On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 10:57 PM, MJ <michaelj@america.net> wrote:
- Monday, May 7, 2012
- FOX Decides to Report on Ron Paul (They must really be nervous)
- J.M. emails:
- I just watched Shepard Smith and Carl Cameron discussing Ron Paul's latest delegate victories in Maine and Nevada. Shepard sarcastically mocked Ron Paul's supporters who claim he still has a chance, and Cameron sneered at the camera and stated that it is "mathematically impossible" for Ron Paul to win. They briefly discussed his victories in Maine and Nevada, but claimed that there is still no chance Ron Paul will be anything other than a speaker at Romney's convention. Carl Cameron also claimed that those delegates in Nevada that are Paul supporters would not vote for Paul on a second ballot if somehow Romney did not win a majority on the first ballot!
- Also, the topic of a floor nomination from winning five state delegate pluralities was brought up, but Cameron dismissed this as not being very likely since he expressed doubt Paul would even win five states because many of these Paul victories are in places where delegates are bound to vote for Romney. The interesting thing about that is Carl Cameron admitted Paul would have five states as victories the other day on Foxnews:
- http://www.lewrockwell.com/politicaltheatre/2012/05/fox-news-admits/
- I guess much like Paul Krugman and the other members of the DC establishment, it is hard to keep their stories straight when they are busy deceiving the American public.
- What is interesting is how in the past Foxnews has done its best to ignore covering Paul -- or even intentionally show the reaction to the previous year's CPAC straw poll vote since it was far more negative -- yet now they are giving him coverage? It is clear that they are very concerned at exactly what is taking place with Paul's efforts in the GOP race, not to mention basically ignoring how the Paul supporters are taking over the state parties. Why else would they be bringing back the talking points that Paul can't win and none of this matters? If what Paul is doing now does not matter, why were they covering it?
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