New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | |  What happened to Obama's call for civility and a new tone? Obama continues to prove he's a divider. Notice the Obama 2012 campaign sign? From WaPo: When Mitt Romney came to an inner-city charter school here Thursday to promotehis new education agenda, he received something of a history lecture about the persecution of blacks in America and the struggles of African American children to meet the academic achievements of their white counterparts. Gee, is it because some don't take education seriously? A lot of parents tend to use schools as a baby-sitter and don't get involved in their children's must be racism that causes this no doubt. Seeking to broaden his appeal heading into the general election, Romney was venturing for his first time in this campaign into an impoverished black neighborhood to hear the concerns of local educators and community leaders. But here in the streets of West Philadelphia, the emotion surrounding his contest with the nation's first black president was raw, as dozens of neighborhood residents shouted, "Get out, Romney, get out!" If this was done to Obama by Romney supporters this would be called racism. Romney arrived at Universal Bluford Charter School aboard his logo-emblazoned campaign bus and began his morning visit by meeting school and civic leaders at a formal roundtable session. "I come to learn, obviously, from people who are having experiences that are unique and instructive," he said. ...Outside, meanwhile, some brick row houses across from the school were boarded up. Police had cordoned off a full city block to protect Romney and his entourage. Residents, some of them organized by Obama's campaign, stood on their porches and gathered at a sidewalk corner to shout angrily at Romney. Some held signs saying, "We are the 99%." One man's placard trumpeted an often-referenced Romney gaffe: "I am not concerned about the very poor." I'm guessing these fools voted for Obama because of skin color and don't know Obama is against charter schools for black children..except his own. I suspect many of these Obama supporters don't know Obama has zero experience in black communities or schools, but skin color seems to be the only concern for some. Continue reading>>> H/T to Gateway Pundit | | | |

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