New post on Bare Naked Islam | | Right now, Bell is #1,000 on the Muslim hit list. What do you want to bet a certain well-known terror-linked, inappropriately-named 'Muslim civil rights' group in America is behind these threats? ORIGINAL STORY: leftist-writer-and-filmmaker-learns-the-high-price-of-telling-the-truth-about-islam Poste deVeille (H/T Susan K) Eric Allen Bell is an author and award-winning director of Hollywood. Very popular with the American radical left, he wrote regularly for the DailyKos site, which receives a milion visitors a day. He directed the documentary Not Welcome on a controversial Islamic Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in which he presents the project's opponents as bigots and sectarian Christians. In the weeks that followed, he deepened his research into Islam, especially in light of the victory of Islamists in Arab countries. He has published three items in which he denounced the dangerous alliance with the Islamists left, which led to his being fired from Daily Kos. Read this article in which he tells his story: The price for daring to speak the truth. He also announced plans to make a sequel to Not Welcome in which he would present the other side of the coin. He announced on his Facebook page that he was terminating the project:   "As I mentioned on the radio tonight: I probably will not complete the documentary Not Welcome as this may expose me to people who are dearest to grave danger. Right now I'm probably number 1,000 on the list of Muslim targets to shoot. If I complete this documentary and express my views on Islam, I will climb to the top of the list, and members of my family, and we will stay there forever. I'm willing to risk my own safety, but I do not want to put others in danger. We're down there. " Eric Allen Bell is a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at the "Daily Kos" because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming "" as a "terrorist spin control network." He has told his story in his Frontpage article, which went viral around the world, The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam. He can be seen on The Glazov Gang, Frontpage's television program. Below is his appearance on Michael Coren's "The Arena" on Sun TV: | | | |

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