New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | |  How many "found" guns came from the ATF's blatant gun trafficking scheme called "Fast and Furious?" From The Hill: Nearly 70 percent of all guns found in Mexico came from the U.S. over the past four years, according to data released by the federal government on Thursday. As most know, the ATF is using these mythical numbers to push for stricter gun controls here in the US. More than 68,000 of the 99,691 firearms that were recovered between 2007 and 2011, and submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for trace testing, were either made in the U.S. or legally brought into the U.S. at one point, according to the agency. Both gun-rights supporters and opponents have used the ATF's numbers in years past to argue for their cause. Gun-rights advocates say the numbers do not accurately reflect the true number of guns found in Mexico, which they argue is much higher. But instead, the ATF's data reflect only the number of guns that were submitted for traces. Some gun advocates in the U.S. have argued further that Democrats try to use the inflated numbers to make their case for stricter gun laws. It's a proven fact. Not to mention that the US government sells firearms to the Mexican military...oh who happened to "misplace' 9,000 firearms. Under Obama, the US has increased sales of firearms to Mexico. This along with the Fast and Furious scheme which is being done to push for more gun controls. But groups in favor of curbing illegal guns look at the ATF's numbers as an accurate reflection of the U.S.'s largely invisible role in the bloody drug violence that has plagued Mexico for the past five years and resulted in the killing of more than 47,000 people. Yes, Mexico's corrupt government, terrible economy and violent drug cartels have no blame its all those 'evil' legally purchased US guns fault. In 2011, the ATF recovered and traced about 20,000 guns that were found in Mexico. About half of those – 10,514 – were manufactured in the U.S., and nearly 4,000 of the traced guns had been previously brought into the U.S. legally, according to the ATF's numbers. About 3,600 of the guns found in 2011 were made outside of the U.S. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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