On March 1, 2012, Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to present the findings of a 6-month investigation into the murky background of Barack Obama whom the media refused to vett in 2008.
After interviewing dozens of witnesses, examining hundreds of documents, and taking sworn statements from many witnesses around the world, Arpaio's all-volunteer Cold Posse investigators concluded that the online image of Obama's purported long-form birth certificate and his Selective Service registration likely are forgeries.
Some have wondered why Arpaio's team did not look into Obama's curious Connecticut-issued Social Security number.
In this radio interview on Denver's 630 KHOW, beginning at around the 5:45 mark, Arpaio and the posse's lead investigator, Michael Zullo, confirm that they have and are looking into the matter. But it's been "extremely difficult" because they've run into "roadblocks" -- they "can't run that Social Security (SS) number, you can't run any background investigation." Running that SS number through the federal government's E-Verify is now "blocked" as well.
But Zullo notes, wryly, that it is very difficult to explain how a 15 or 16-year-old kid living in Hawaii (Obama) could manage to acquire a Connecticut-issued SS number. Fox TV's Bill O'Reilly had said that Obama's father had obtained that SS number while he was in Yale. The problem, of course, is: Yale University isn't in Connecticut! (The other problem not mentioned by Zullo is this: Obama never went to Yale. LOL)
Arpaio's team's investigation into Obama's college transcripts and admissions is also "ongoing," but the effort has been very difficult. The team is especially interested in Obama's Punahou High School records because annual tuition there was expensive ($5,000 to $6,000). How could his grand parents have been able to afford it?
Zullo is asked about the passport then-Occidental College student Obama used to travel to Pakistan -- what passport? in whose name? Zullo says if they could get that information, "the whole case would be solved." But they couldn't find information on this because the records have been destroyed, including all of Obama's mom's passport records.
Both Arpaio and Zullo also express frustration by how the media are not reporting on their March 1 press conference. Arpaio: "We have the evidence, but no one wants to talk about it."

H/t ObamaReleaseYourRecords
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