In Defense Of The Constitution

News & Analysis
March 23, 2012
CAIR: Supporting America...
Since the founding of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the majority of non-Muslim citizens of the United States have been constantly accused of "Islamophobia" (a word created as a propaganda tool used by CAIR), "racism" (even though there is no such race as "Muslim"), and "intolerance" (a word used by many groups to describe those who disagree with them without using words of substance or evidence to back up their accusations).
Our country cowers in submission, much like England, France, The Netherlands, and Germany, in that we cannot even have a rational discussion on political/radical Islam in the United States without having to gain "permission" from CAIR and other alphabet-soup so-called "Muslim Civil Rights Groups". Even our military services are forced to accept questionable Muslim chaplains vetted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), yet another front group for radical Islam.
The current state of the "Mainstream Media" in the United States is partly to blame. Consider that the New York Times (NYT) is still believed by many Americans (and other newspapers) as the "paper of record". NYT articles and columnists are followed throughout the United States. While the NYT may get it right on occasion, the simple fact is that it appears willfully wrong on the Islamist threat to our country.
This ability to overlook the obvious is not limited to the NYT. It infects any number of American papers whose reporters and editorial staff simply aren't up to the challenge of honest reporting regarding the fascist ideology of CAIR members and their ilk. And really, who can blame them? Events all over the world have demonstrated that murder and mayhem may await any paper, reporter, or social commentator who dare to take an objective look at the threat of radical Islamic ideology. (It's much "safer" to pick on Christians and Jews who are known for actually praying for those who insult their faith, not terror murdering them or their children.)
So where should we turn if the mainstream press won't report the truth? Due to a poor educational system and a deliberate policy of "speak no evil" when it comes to the darker side of Islamic beliefs by our local, state, and national governments, it seems that we the people are over a barrel when it comes to seeking answers from those whose responsibility it is to provide them. If the government won't speak the truth regarding radical Islam, how can we count on it to protect us from the terror of radical Islam?
Even more disturbing forces are at play. For example; Congressman Peter King recently attended a rally in support of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The rally came about in response to a NYT article outing on-going investigations of various Islamic groups in the New York - New Jersey area. Apparently, Governor Christie of New Jersey was upset that the NYPD hadn't kissed the ring of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) unit in Newark, New Jersey before pursuing its investigation. While Governor Christie can complain over what is, essentially, hurt feelings, the underlying question that should be asked is: "Why didn't the NYPD approach the JTTF?" Could it be that the NYPD knows something about the JTTF that made the JTTF an unreliable partner? Perhaps the JTTF administrators would have refused to back the investigation and label it as being "un-American"? Was there a security issue? We'll never know because the mainstream media won't investigate.
CAIR and CAIR's fellow travelers are constantly brow beating us on how oppressed "Muslims" are in the United States. We can take CAIR at their word. The highly esteemed (and deported) CAIR Community Relations Director Bassem Khafagi (currently running for president of Egypt), said of the United States: "I loved the place I lived in, but I never loved the US, the infidel country". We can suppose he didn't love the USA because he was deported following his conviction on two charges of bank fraud and one count of visa fraud. In his running for president of Egypt, he has promised to "complete the implementation of Islamic law in Egypt. I do not hide this truth in any way, because it is in keeping with the inclination of the Egyptian people." One has to wonder, did Khafagi bother to ask the Copts or Jews (are there any Jews left in Egypt?) how they feel about living under Sharia Law with it's well-known respect for human rights and religious liberty? Will Friday services at the Mosque be followed by amputation of various body parts at the local mall parking lot for Sharia Law-breakers, as is very common in that paragon of Islamic jurisprudence, Saudi Arabia? So much for CAIR's stated position of respect for all religions.
Our forefathers bequeathed us a country founded in respect for the law and tolerance of religious beliefs. Our enemies should not interpret our tolerance as weakness. Our governing bodies and press should discontinue their policies of appeasement of political/radical Islam that serves no practical purpose beyond conditioning our people to accept the unacceptable. Now is the time to take a stand and say "no more".
There is no law that demands the mainstream media quote CAIR and no government policy that requires CAIR be consulted on anything Islamic.
CAIR, founded by terrorists, is a media parasite.
Starve CAIR of exposure and it will dry up and blow away like dog dung on a hot sidewalk.
This is as it should be.
Andrew Whitehead
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Please use a non-corporate/non-work e-mail address if you contact CAIR or Anti-CAIR or receive our material. CAIR may attempt to shame your employer into terminating you if they believe you are receiving "objectionable" material. We make every reasonable effort to protect our mailing list, but we cannot guarantee confidentiality. Anti-CAIR does not share, loan, sell, rent or otherwise publicize our mailing list. We respect your privacy!
All persons are invited to submit tips and leads. Anti-CAIR will acknowledge receipt of all tips/leads, but we will NOT acknowledge the source of ANY tip or lead in our Press Releases or on our web site. Exceptions are made for leading media personalities at the discretion of Anti-CAIR and only on request of the person(s) submitting the tip or lead.
News & Analysis
March 23, 2012
CAIR: Supporting America...
Since the founding of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the majority of non-Muslim citizens of the United States have been constantly accused of "Islamophobia" (a word created as a propaganda tool used by CAIR), "racism" (even though there is no such race as "Muslim"), and "intolerance" (a word used by many groups to describe those who disagree with them without using words of substance or evidence to back up their accusations).
Our country cowers in submission, much like England, France, The Netherlands, and Germany, in that we cannot even have a rational discussion on political/radical Islam in the United States without having to gain "permission" from CAIR and other alphabet-soup so-called "Muslim Civil Rights Groups". Even our military services are forced to accept questionable Muslim chaplains vetted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), yet another front group for radical Islam.
The current state of the "Mainstream Media" in the United States is partly to blame. Consider that the New York Times (NYT) is still believed by many Americans (and other newspapers) as the "paper of record". NYT articles and columnists are followed throughout the United States. While the NYT may get it right on occasion, the simple fact is that it appears willfully wrong on the Islamist threat to our country.
This ability to overlook the obvious is not limited to the NYT. It infects any number of American papers whose reporters and editorial staff simply aren't up to the challenge of honest reporting regarding the fascist ideology of CAIR members and their ilk. And really, who can blame them? Events all over the world have demonstrated that murder and mayhem may await any paper, reporter, or social commentator who dare to take an objective look at the threat of radical Islamic ideology. (It's much "safer" to pick on Christians and Jews who are known for actually praying for those who insult their faith, not terror murdering them or their children.)
So where should we turn if the mainstream press won't report the truth? Due to a poor educational system and a deliberate policy of "speak no evil" when it comes to the darker side of Islamic beliefs by our local, state, and national governments, it seems that we the people are over a barrel when it comes to seeking answers from those whose responsibility it is to provide them. If the government won't speak the truth regarding radical Islam, how can we count on it to protect us from the terror of radical Islam?
Even more disturbing forces are at play. For example; Congressman Peter King recently attended a rally in support of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The rally came about in response to a NYT article outing on-going investigations of various Islamic groups in the New York - New Jersey area. Apparently, Governor Christie of New Jersey was upset that the NYPD hadn't kissed the ring of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) unit in Newark, New Jersey before pursuing its investigation. While Governor Christie can complain over what is, essentially, hurt feelings, the underlying question that should be asked is: "Why didn't the NYPD approach the JTTF?" Could it be that the NYPD knows something about the JTTF that made the JTTF an unreliable partner? Perhaps the JTTF administrators would have refused to back the investigation and label it as being "un-American"? Was there a security issue? We'll never know because the mainstream media won't investigate.
CAIR and CAIR's fellow travelers are constantly brow beating us on how oppressed "Muslims" are in the United States. We can take CAIR at their word. The highly esteemed (and deported) CAIR Community Relations Director Bassem Khafagi (currently running for president of Egypt), said of the United States: "I loved the place I lived in, but I never loved the US, the infidel country". We can suppose he didn't love the USA because he was deported following his conviction on two charges of bank fraud and one count of visa fraud. In his running for president of Egypt, he has promised to "complete the implementation of Islamic law in Egypt. I do not hide this truth in any way, because it is in keeping with the inclination of the Egyptian people." One has to wonder, did Khafagi bother to ask the Copts or Jews (are there any Jews left in Egypt?) how they feel about living under Sharia Law with it's well-known respect for human rights and religious liberty? Will Friday services at the Mosque be followed by amputation of various body parts at the local mall parking lot for Sharia Law-breakers, as is very common in that paragon of Islamic jurisprudence, Saudi Arabia? So much for CAIR's stated position of respect for all religions.
Our forefathers bequeathed us a country founded in respect for the law and tolerance of religious beliefs. Our enemies should not interpret our tolerance as weakness. Our governing bodies and press should discontinue their policies of appeasement of political/radical Islam that serves no practical purpose beyond conditioning our people to accept the unacceptable. Now is the time to take a stand and say "no more".
There is no law that demands the mainstream media quote CAIR and no government policy that requires CAIR be consulted on anything Islamic.
CAIR, founded by terrorists, is a media parasite.
Starve CAIR of exposure and it will dry up and blow away like dog dung on a hot sidewalk.
This is as it should be.
Andrew Whitehead
Story Links:
Follow Anti-CAIR on twitter
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follow AntiCAIR to 40404 in the United States
Please use a non-corporate/non-work e-mail address if you contact CAIR or Anti-CAIR or receive our material. CAIR may attempt to shame your employer into terminating you if they believe you are receiving "objectionable" material. We make every reasonable effort to protect our mailing list, but we cannot guarantee confidentiality. Anti-CAIR does not share, loan, sell, rent or otherwise publicize our mailing list. We respect your privacy!
All persons are invited to submit tips and leads. Anti-CAIR will acknowledge receipt of all tips/leads, but we will NOT acknowledge the source of ANY tip or lead in our Press Releases or on our web site. Exceptions are made for leading media personalities at the discretion of Anti-CAIR and only on request of the person(s) submitting the tip or lead.
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