New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | Presidential... TMZ: Roseanne Barr -- who famously butchered the National Anthem -- has filed official documents to become the Green Party's nominee for President of the United States of America. Barr -- who has been waging a Twitter and Facebook grassroots, digital campaign -- has just made it official. She wants to carry the Green Party banner in the November election. Barr says she's sick of Democrats and Republicans, whom she believes are not working in the best interests of the American people. So what, you ask, is Roseanne pushing? The answer is simple ... pot. She wants marijuana legalized and sold strictly domestically. Remember she said this back in October of last year: "I am for the return of the Guillotine that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty. I would allow the guilty bankers the ability to pay back anything over $100 million in personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount then they should go to the re-education camps and if that doesn't help, then be beheaded." Course she picks the $100 million mark as her net worth is only $80 million (wants to give herself room to make a couple more million I guess). But I'm confused...on her Twitter page she retweeted this, "@TheRealRoseanne people need to pour their love and energy into the Occupy movement, not waste time voting." I'm sure some will waste their vote on her. One thing she did tweet that I can agree with, "I really think that Americans can solve the problems that we have very easily, together, once we remove the corruption from our government." Can we start with Skippy, Holder, Tim TurboTax and the rest of this administration? DCG | | | |

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