New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | You're not alone!  H/t beloved Grouchy The U.S. Census Bureau considers "older Americans" to be those who are 65 years old or older. Here are some interesting facts about older Americans: - Share of total U.S. population in 2009: 13% or 39.6 million
- Projected share of total U.S. population in 2050: 20% or 88.5 million
- Median 2009 income of households with householders 65 and older: $31,354 (median is that number that divides the population in half)
- Median 2009 income of all U.S. households: $49,777
- Poverty rate for people 65 and older in 2009: 8.9% or 3.4 million
- Poverty rate for U.S. population as a whole: 14.3%
- Number of older Americans in 2009 who were veterans of the armed forces: 9 million
- Percentage of older Americans in the U.S. labor force in 2009: 16%
- Proportion of older Americans in 2009 who had completed high school or higher education: 77%
- Percentage of older Americans in 2009 who had earned a bachelor's degree or higher: 20% (that's 1 out of 5!)
- Percentage of older Americans who were married in 2010: 56%
- Percentage of older Americans in 2010 who were widowed: 28% (that's more than 1 out of every 4)
- Percentage of older Americans in 2009 who lived with relatives: 66%
- Percentage of older Americans in 2009 who lived alone: 27%
- Percentage of older Americans who owned their homes as of 4th quarter 2010; 81%
- Percentage of older Americans who reported having voted in the 2008 presidential election: 70%. Together with Americans aged 45 to 64, older Americans had the highest voter turnout rate of any age group.
Let's have an even larger turnout this November and turn our beloved America back onto the right (pun intended) course. ~Eowyn | | | |

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