Yes, Virginia. There really are Obamacare death panels.
In 2009, in the lead up to the Democrat-controlled Congress' approval of Obamacare, aka the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) , Sarah Palin was ridiculed by the media for her warning that the bill's passage would mean the imposition of "death panels" on Americans.
It turns out she was right.
On November 22, 2011, a neurosurgeon who calls himself "Jeff from Chicago, Illinois" called into Mark Levin's radio show with startling information. Under Obamacare, patients who are 70 years old or older are to only receive "comfort care" instead of neurosurgery.

This is what Jeff said:
He had just returned from a seminar in Washington, D.C., (I believe Jeff was referring to the annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, held in Washington, D.C., October 1-6, 2011), wherein he and other neurosurgeons were provided a document by HHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) on what Obama's health care (PPACA) means for neuro-patients aged 70 and over. The document is Obama's new Health Care Plan for Advanced Neurosurgical Care, in which patients are now depersonalized by being called "units".
In Jeff's words: "If you're over 70 and come into Emergency Care for neurological reasons," e.g., a brain aneurysm or bleeding in their brain, and you've covered by Obamacare, "advanced neurosurgical care is generally not indicated" -- you get just "comfort care."
The decision to undertake neurosurgery or not will be made by an Ethics Panel, comprised not of neurosurgeons but of administrators with no medical training. The withholding of neurosurgery to older patients units is prompted by two factors:
- Neurosurgery is the smallest field in medicine.
- Neurosurgery is the most expensive of all surgeries.
This information presently is not published somewhere for citizens such as you and I to get hold of and read, but is discussed only within the neurosurgeons community -- the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Mark Levin remarked that this information likely will be made available to the public after the November 2012 elections.
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H/t my dear friend Barbara.
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