New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Obama has no problem taking credit for something he didn't do...  For a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obama sure does love to kill people. What is ironic is many believe this while forgetting that Obama was against enhanced interrogation techniques and wanted to close down Guantanamo Bay prison. The information used to track down bin Laden was obtained from Gitmo detainees, who gave up Osama's courier's name. All this happened under Bush. Obama was golfing while Seal Team Six prepared the mission and some claim that the picture of Obama watching the operation is fake. The administration has been appeasing Muslim since day one. They edited out all references to Islamic terrorism. They stopped calling it the war on terror and Obama has personally apologized to Muslims all over the world. His administration refused to call the Foot Hood massacre a terrorist act and instead labeled it "workplace violence." The list of Muslim appeasement is long and detailed. Obama is the biggest fraud we will ever see in U.S. history. | | | |

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