New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Aww, guess Obama isn't the 4th best president after all? ( - When asked an open-ended question by Gallup about which man living in the world today they admire most and whom their second choice would be, 32 percent of Americans surveyed this month would not name anyone, thus falling into a category that Gallup describes as "None/No opinion." President Barack Obama came in second to "None/No opinion" with 17 percent of respondents saying he was either their first or second choice for their most admired man. Similarly, 29 percent of Americans did not name anyone when asked their first and second choice for their most admired woman. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came in second to "None/No opinion" with 17 percent saying she was either their first or second choice for their most admired woman. Gallup has been conducting its annual "most admired" survey since 1946. That year and in 1947, the polling company asked respondents to name the person they admired most. Since 1948, Gallup has been asking respondents to name both their most admired man and most admired woman. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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