I would loved to have been there with a 2 X 4 cause I would have whacked his ass so hard that shit would have flown out of his mouth.
New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | This is the picture from Occupy Wall Street which the media will never show you.  WARNING: Graphic Pic Don't say I didn't warn you!   Yes, you saw right. It's a pic of an Occupier urinating and defecating on the American flag. Notice the pooper's fellow Occupiers smiling, laughing, and cheering their approval. Just remember that the following individuals have come forth stating their approval of Occupy Wall Street. Their names are followed by their estimated net worth: - Barack Obama: Annual POTUS salary (not total income): $400,000; Net worth in 2010: $10.5 million
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca): $21.74 million
- Rev. Jesse Jackson: $10 million
- Former Vice President of the USA Al Gore: $100 million
- Yoko Ono: $500 million
- Russell Simmons: $325 million
- Rosie O'Donnell: $100 million
- Roseanne Barr: $80 million
- Deepak Chopra: $80 million
- Kanye West: $70 million
- Alec Baldwin: $65 million
- Russell Brand (networth: 15 million; combined networth with wife, singer Katy Perry: $63 million)
- Susan Sarandon: $50 million
- Tim Robbins: $50 million
- Michael Moore: $50 million
- Danny Glover: $15 million
- Talib Kweli: $14 million
- Mark Ruffalo: $10 million
[Networths for celebrities without an individual source link are from http://www.businessinsider.com/occupy-wall-street-celebrities-2011-10] H/t beloved fellow Tina. ~Eowyn Dr. Eowyn | November 4, 2011 at 6:38 am | Tags: desecration of American flag, OWS celebrity supporters, OWS political elite supporters, pigs | Categories: crime, Culture War, Economy, Liberals, Media, Occupy Wall Street, United States | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-ao3 | | | | |
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