Thanks for sharing this Bruce.
This is scary stuff, and I might be underestimating Jones, and the socialist-elitist/communist movement. They are dangerous, and no doubt, today, with the economy literally tanking, this could be exactly where the Obama Administration wants to take this Nation.
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planned U.S.Day of RageFrom Hope and Change to Despair and RageBy - Michelle HorstmanAugust 15, 2011If there is any doubt that we are not right on target, as Obama has moved from the campaign's "Hope & Change" slogan to the actual blueprint of "Despair & Rage", let's take a look at where we are today. An important pre-change stage, according to Obama's inspiration, Saul Alinsky, appears to be where we are right now:"Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution."We are seeing this actively incubated in Van Jones' new movement, Rebuild the Dream. Oh, but this is much more than Van's idea, as we will see. His recently unveiled "Contract for the American Dream" has been analyzed by many online bloggers for the socialist, money spending free-for-all that it is, but let's take a closer look at its roots. Billed as a compilation "by the people", it reads like the Obama administration wish list.His proposed solutions were written by the Campaign for America's Future and its related Institute for Policy Studies, as well as Green for All, Soros' Center for American Progress and others. Taking a look at just one of these, the Campaign for America's Future (CAF), we see the same radical, socialist networking once again:Board Members: NAACP, United Steelworkers,, AFL-CIO and others.According to Labor-dominated lobbying and electoral network heavily influenced by progressive plutocrats and secret donors working on anti-corporate, anti-military, welfare-state, and other "progressive" programs. Incubator for the Apollo Project. Documentation in Ron Arnold's "Freezing in the Dark."
Brief history: Although the Campaign for America's Future was registered by founder Robert Borosage in 1990, it did not receive its IRS exempt status until 1994 and did not formally launch until 1996..The organization was solely Borosage's creation, even though Roger Hickey, formerly of the labor union think tank, the Economic Policy Institute, is credited as a co-founder.Helped incubate the Apollo Alliance, now a project of Tides Center. Apollo's executive director, James Ringo, is paid by Institute for America's Future.Funding: Donations include funds from SEIU, Rockefeller Family Foundation, Soros, Getty, and more.Organizers/Co-Founders:
Among the list of co-founders you'll find a who's who list of radicals, includingFrances Fox Piven andRichard Cloward, Joel Rogers, Andy Stern, Tom Hayden, Jesse Jackson and many, many more.In other words, Van Jones' little grassroots plan, supposedly put together by ordinary citizens offering their ideas, appears in its final draft tohave been written by the usual radical progressive organizations andunions. The plan itself uses today's "crisis" mode to promote the same old progressive dreams, including more taxes, more spending, more government, more green jobs, more amnesty and more entitlements. Have these people heard a word the American people have said?Among the many points in the contract, one in particular stands out because of its relationship to some big plans being made for this fall. That is the push to fight the Supreme Court decision on election finance, which they like to call "strengthening democracy." (Check link for their suggested action).They say there is no such thing as a coincidence, and it appears to be true when you examine the main focus of the upcoming "US Day of Rage" planned for September 17, Constitution Day. It happens to focus on campaign finance reform.We demand that integrity be restored to our elections.One citizen. One dollar. One vote.Only citizens should make campaign contributions.Campaign contributions by citizens should not exceed $1 to any political candidate or party.Constitution Day seems an odd choice for a group to want to refuse to abide by a Supreme Court decision that has gone through the constitutional process, as it should.Obama was brutally blunt in his disgust about the decision as well. It seems they had found some great ways to work the campaign funding before this turn of events and they seem desperate to change it back before the next go-round, don't they? Soros promoted McCain Feingold for a reason andnone of them plan to give it up now, whether it is considered constitutional or not."When government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought," Justice Kennedy wrote. "This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves."This is but one example of the push to get the Obama agenda (aka American Dream) through quickly, by any means necessary. Although billed as a nonviolent event, just the name "Day of Rage" betrays them. Romantic Poet's blog reveals much more on plans for the Day of Rage and this tidbit from their own site is also revealing:#usdor is the official US Day of Rage hash tag on Twitter. It is a living documentation of grievances against the ills and abuses of the United States government.That sounds…revolutionary? Alinsky trained his students for nothing short of revolution and the current "Despair & Rage" blueprint looks to be moving along right on schedule. Always remember his guiding philosophy and you will recognize the real agenda they disguise as a dream."You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments." (Alinsky 1972)...__._,_.___IF YOU DON'T STAND BEHIND OUR TROOPS, FEEL FREE TO STAND IN FRONT OF THEM! Please visit:![]()
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