In the 2010 election Republican party insider groups like the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the Republican National Committee used their money and influence to support incumbent candidates against primary challengers with new ideas and grassroots support. They tried to keep candidates like Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio out of office and elect long-term incumbents and their insider cronies instead. They even supported candidates like Charlie Crist and Arlen Specter who took their money and then left the party. Now they're getting ready to do the same thing again in 2012. They're already giving money to incumbents like Orin Hatch (UT) and Dick Lugar (IN) who have been in office for 30 years and are completely out of touch with the voters. Party leaders and organizations have apparently committed themselves and your money to a system of perpetual incumbency. They hate the idea of a Republican Party driven by the grassroots and want to stop the people from having a voice in picking new leaders. They don't want us to take the party back by electing candidates who represent real Republican values like smaller government and more liberty. Fair Primary 2012 ( has a plan to stop these groups by cutting off their money with the Fair Primary Pledge. Don't let them use your money against the next Rand Paul or Mike Lee the way that they did in 2010. The pledge is a nationwide drive to encourage Republican voters not to send contributions to organizations which seek to skew primaries in favor of incumbents or establishment candidates. The goal is to keep primaries open and honest and give more opportunities to grassroots candidates who have new ideas, a dedication to fundamental Republican principles and are not committed to just maintaining the status quo. We want more and better Republicans in office, not the same old big-government hacks who have already failed us and will keep making the same mistakes again and again. If you want to bring government back to the people and make Republican primaries fair, open and honest. Please sign the Fair Primary Pledge at Dave |
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