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· Wisconsin RLC on Facebook -- RLCWI Yahoogroup
· Wyoming Facebook -- Wyoming Yahoogroup
To get involved in the RLC in your state, check out our chapters page.
RLC Applauds Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Campaign Finance Law
The Arizona campaign finance law which subsidized underfunded candidates with taxpayer money was a mockery of free speech and open elections, according to Republican Liberty Caucus National Chairman Dave Nalle upon hearing the announcement that the Supreme Court had struck down the law last month. In his ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts echoed the RLC Statement of Principles when he quoted Buckley v. Valeo, which declared that "A restriction on the amount of money a person or group can spend on political communication during a campaign necessarily reduces the quantity of expression by restricting the number of issues discussed, the depth of their exploration, and the size of the audience reached."
The RLC Board believes this ruling signals the beginning of real campaign finance reform, beginning with states like Maine and New York (which have similar laws) and continuing until the government gets out of the business of dictating who can spend money in elections and that money is spent.
"Speech must be free under the First Amendment and the financing of political speech should not be restricted arbitrarily or subsidized unfairly with taxpayer dollars," concluded Nalle.
Sizzling Summer RLC Events Listing
Attend an upcoming RLC event in your state!
Check the RLC blog for our listing of events. If you live in Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Texas, you won't want to miss our upcoming events!

Congressman Amash Threatened by Michigan Legislature
The specific threat to Justin Amash is that parts of his district were removed to strengthen the districts of more establishment Republicans, replaced by areas which are more evenly balanced between the parties. This includes giving several towns and suburbs where he won very strong majorities in 2010 to the neighboring 2nd District GOP seat held by Bill Huizinga and replacing them with parts of Calhoun county - which have traditionally voted Democrat. They also moved the home of popular Democrat former representative Mark Schauer into Amash's district, giving the Democrats a ready-made challenger for the young radical.
Read more at the RLC blog.
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