sure sounds like a lot of treason going on...i direct your attention to the article on the Supreme Court's decision in Graham v Florida and the article discussing 'Fast and Furious' gundealing. Any suggestions on what we, the People, can/should do about it?
sign me
daniel karl seigler, born in Fort Benning, Cussetta County, Georgia, son of
Clarance Roland O'Neil Seigler, born in Ozark, Dale County, Alabama, son of
Thomas Malcolm Seigler, born somewhere in Alabama
Subject: Rep. Steve King: Obama could be impeached over debt crisis
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:02:20 -0400
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July 26, 2011 |
The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution |
Adapting a selection of these essential essays--pseudonymously authored by the now well-documented triumvirate of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay--for a contemporary audience, Glenn Beck has had them reworked into "modern" English so as to be thoroughly accessible to anyone seeking a better understanding of the Founding Fathers' intent and meaning when laying the groundwork of our government. Beck provides his own illuminating commentary and annotations and, for a number of the essays, has brought together the viewpoints of both liberal and conservative historians and scholars, making this a fair and insightful perspective on the historical works that remain the primary source for interpreting Constitutional law and the rights of American citizens. Order now for only $14.95! Order Now |
Babes in the Whitehouse Bumper Sitcker 5 Pack |
Thankfully, we have several qualified men--from Mitch Daniels and Herman Cain to Ron Paul and Mitt Romney to choose from. But let's face it. There are only two candidates that have everything it takes to beat Obama in 2012... Sarah Palin & Michelle Bachmann! Uncompromising Conservative Principles Political Experience (not enough to lose touch, but just enough to know their way around) Good looks (Like it or not, voters do consider appearance) Ability to connect to real Americans and understand their concerns Order now for only $20.12! Order Now |
© 2011 The Patriot Update & The Patriot Depot - A Division of Liberty Alliance, LLC 3150-A Florence Rd . Suite #1 . Powder Springs, GA 30127 |
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