Dear brothers and sisters,
Defending a nation, defending the ideology, defending our families and home is not only the job of the military, but it is the responsibility and need of every national. Together, if they are, no one can dare put one step in our nation, but if we are all thinking that the other will do something, then we will be planning our own demise.
Are we praying Surah-e-Kahaf or at least its first 10 verses, each Friday, so that angels protect us for the week from the Dajjali forces? Do we pray bismillah-e-tawakaltu alllah when we get out of our homes each day? How many of us have been working with vigilant eyes in our neighbourhoods to look for any suspicious activity (after all, all terrorists live in some communities within us)? How many of us have made contacts with the right people to contact if they find anything suspicious? Do we even have any phone number of where to call in case of an emergency? Has anyone learnt first-aid and carry the mask and gloves in his pocket when he go to work each day to help out someone in need, or we all have left our families and friends for Edhi foundation ambulances to come and drop them in the emergency ward of Jinnah hospital? Have we found any friend/contact/relations who are retired military personnel, to take guidance from him in any situation? Do we know what to do if we see someone with a suicide jacket right in front of us? Or to pray the kalmia and jump on the ground if there is no chance of any action otherwise? Are we carrying food stocks in our homes and necessary medical supplies and antibiotics and pain killers and bandages and cleaning and anti-septic creams ready for use? What if the tomorrow the dollar collapses and there is sudden demonetization of paper currency and all our "cash" disappears…are we carrying gold and silver coins in our homes? Have we learnt any fighting skills to grab any Indian agent when we find him? How many of us have considered digging a nuclear shelter in our lawn (if we have any), or in the ground next to our apartment building? What is it like? Have we learnt enough to know that nuclear radiation travel only in straight lines and just having an L-shaped trench with a good cover and a good entry point and decontamination area can save hundreds of thousands of lives, even under normal bombings these trenches would prove safer than homes. Although we have learnt to live with intermittent supply of electricity, have we learnt to live without it? How would you cook food without gas in the home? Do you have enough candles and match boxes and hand charged radio sets, and hand charged torches? Have we kept and read survival books in our homes?
Please note that vulnerable nationals and communities are a liability and not a help. In times of war, in times of emergencies, we need to have prepared and trained nationals, ready to do their job, ready for an action, rather than being sitting ducks for our enemies. If we are not prepared, if we are no training ourselves and our children for these situations, then really, we just say that we love our family, our children, our nation, we are doing nothing much for them. We have turned them into vulnerable lots, which would be running around in desperation, rather being able to save themselves and others.
Now is the time to prepare, if we really love our families and our nation, and form vigilant groups, and unite with other groups and defence forces, and mobilize the whole nation for the war that has been imposed on us and for a lot that is on the way towards us….the things will happen, the words of the prophet pubh will come true, but we need t o decide if we like to be the sitting ducks, or be in the folds of Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq, or among those who will lead in the walk towards Jannah (Inshallah)!!! Please act, and motivate all but telling us what you are doing, so that we form this impregnable wall of defence, along with our armed forces, which no nation has the courage to cross.
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