Stop Radical Goodwin Liu's Judicial Nomination! Goodwin Liu thinks the Constitution "should not be a guide to judicial decisions." Instead he thinks the key to judicial decisions, says Liu, should be "our collective values," "evolving norms," and "social understandings." And Obama wants him on the federal appeals court for the 9th District based in California. Obama's last poorly qualified federal bench nominees were nothing compared to uber-radical Liu. Harry Reid has set up a cloture vote (a vote that will cut off ALL debate about his sketchy past) for this week. Obama's buddy wants Liu appointed - no matter who he has to step on or what rules he has to break. The vote will be on Thursday and it will take 60 votes to bring Liu's nomination to a vote. We don't have much time left to stop Liu's nomination! Stop Radical Goodwin Liu's Judicial Nomination! Having NO trial experience, Liu does not even meet the standards set by the American Bar Association. Liu is a hero to the left for opposing the nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. If Liu is confirmed he WOULD BE FAVORED FOR THE NEXT SUPREME COURT VACANCY! Liu believes that the Constitution should NOT influence legal decisions. Instead he said the key to judicial decisions should be "our collective values," "evolving norms," and "social understandings," rather than the Constitution as written or the laws passed by Congress.
Liu is a Liberal warrior who helped lead the fight against the Roberts and Alito Supreme Court nominations. In an op-ed he wrote that Roberts was an "ideological agenda" hostile to the environmental workplace and consumer protections. Liu testified at Alito's confirmation hearing that the "America envisioned by his (Alito's) record is not the America we know, nor is it the America we aspire to be." Stop Radical Goodwin Liu's Judicial Nomination! There it is -Obama and his cronies continue stuffing our courts with Liberal ideologues with questionable pasts- and Liu is the most dangerous of them all! THEY JUST DON'T GET IT -- but they WILL "get it," if the American people make their voices heard LOUD AND CLEAR again! And that's just what we've set up our website to enable you to do! You can send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the U.S. Senate, AT ONCE, letting them know we demand they vote "NO!" on the Liu Senate cloture vote and stop his nomination! As a member of the board of the American Conservatives Union (ACU), we are working together to stop Goodwin Liu's nomination dead in its tracks.DONATE AND FAX TODAY. Get my new book Black & Blue as my gift to you and the country, and say - "I'm As Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!" Black & Blue: How Obama And The Democrats Are Beating Up The Constitution
The book covers Barack Obama's Chicago and Saul Alinsky days were he learned to "game the system" to bypass the rule of law. The book details how the progressive Democrats use groups like Acorn to gain power to force their socialism on the American people. Be sure to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! Thank you!
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.
Sinclair Lewis
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