United States Department of Jihad!
Monday, 04 April 2011 08:25 Christopher Logan
In an unprecedented move ushered in by executive order, "President" Obama has created a new branch of government. It is also now America's most powerful governmental branch, entitled the "United States Department of Jihad". Which is a combination of the Presidential Cabinet, the Department of Justice, and Homeland Security. The leaders of this new Islam defending anti-American agency are the following:
The Caliph: Commander and Prince of the Faithful Barack Hussein Obama | Sheikh Eric Holder, United States Attorney General, Head of Department of Justice: | Imam John Brennan, Assistant to the President For Homeland Security and Counterterrorism: |
The men above compromise the strategic movement to help Islam destroy our great country from within. Obama has made his feelings on Islam very clear, including the disturbing sound of the Islamic call to prayer saying it is:
"one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.".
Did you ever wonder how the non-Muslims who are forced to hear it, feel ye great Caliph? Even after the brutal Islamic shootings at Fort Hood Obama took a stand for Islam, the religion of terrorism.
"No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor,"
What Obama did not tell us was that Allah does look upon those acts with favor.
Koran verse 008.060
YUSUFALI: Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.
Unfortunately Obama's attempts to cover for Islam, were not finished.
Did Mohammad distort the religion he started?
Bukhari Hadith Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
The Caliph was not happy with just verbally trying to get non-Muslims to accept Islam. He was hell-bent on implementing policies that are protective of the religion/ideology.
One of these policies was to lift a Bush ban and allow Tariq Ramadan back in the country. Shortly after, Tariq quickly joined in on the Islamic information war. In his first public appearance, he stated that people should stop talking about Muslims integrating.
On Thursday, Ramadan said the ban undermined American values and that it was no longer appropriate to speak about "Muslims in the West," but rather "Western Muslims."
"The difference is that we are not here in a host country. We are at home, and Islam is a Western religion," Ramadan said. Ramadan will also speak Saturday in Chicago at a banquet sponsored by the Council on American Islamic Relations, and on Monday at Georgetown University.
Talk of Muslim integration was old, too, he said. "It's time not to speak about integrating,....
Another pro-Islamic policy was to drop the term "radical Islam" from the National Security Strategy document. It's almost impossible to defeat an enemy, if we cannot even name that enemy.
Shortly after the national security move, in a real smack in the face to America, Obama held a outreach program for Muslim entrepreneurs. All the while non-Muslims across the country are financially drowning. But of course, Muslims come first with this administration. Obama even had the message beamed to Muslims in Ireland. Talk about outreach!
Even though the financial struggles continued across America, Obama had the nerve to use $6 million dollars of the taxpayers' money to fund Mosques across the world! But in America he warned Tennessee officials that opposing a Mosque could be a federal crime. Anyone else see a disturbing pattern here?!
Next up is Sheikh Eric Holder, head of the Department of Justice. Who made it clear back in 2009, that he is in the corner of Islam.
Well, he was not kidding. Just days later the Department of Justice filled a lawsuit against Essex County, over the firing of a corrections officer for wearing religious head wear. In December of 2010 he sued a Chicago school district for denying a Muslim woman unpaid leave to make a trip to Mecca (Hajj). Who's next on his Islamic lawsuit hit list?
Besides the lawsuits, he also got into a verbal boxing match with another member of our government over the term "radical Islam". Watch the Sheikh as he bobs and weaves, as he fights for Islam
The third culprit in the United States Department of Jihad, is Imam John Brennan, Assistant to the President For Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. He is following Caliph Obama lock, stock, and barrel.
"We have never been and will never be at war with Islam."
As if that was not bad enough, the Imam fell all over himself in the the most Islamic appeasing speech I have ever seen. This sad display took place at NYU. The first 10 minutes show us all we need to see....
There you have it friends, the pattern is clear. We have what is probably the most pro-Islamic, non-Islamic government in the world. Our government will not save our future generations from Islam. The fight is ours!
Christopher Logan is an Islam watcher, intelligence analyst, reporter, and writer who runs the website LogansWarning.com.
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