The United States government is the leading terrorist nation on earth. Why should anyone have respect for the symbol of that terrorism?
On 03/15/2011 01:33 PM, Travis wrote:
Those who did this should be drawn and quartered.
[ From a friend. ]
It's not what you gather, but what you scatter, that tells what kind of a life you have lived.
This picture was taken at the AZ state capitol
Thursday, March 3, 2011.
This photo was taken at a rally at the state capitol yesterday. The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it.
My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything. I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start emailing it to everyone on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it.
This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizonawill maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you greatly, then I have truly accomplished what I set out to do.
I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for. I am an American before I am anything else. For those of you who choose to dismiss this: If you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for.
I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi, this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.
Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag. People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by theCapitol Police and Homeland Security.
It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government.
To those of you who will forward this to your friends I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the country in which you live.
To those of you who delete this, there is always someplace else for you to go.
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