Hope through change
02/16/11 01:57 PM ET
Yesterday, my hope that America will turn this economic crisis around was renewed and reaffirmed. - I had the pleasure of meeting with newly elected Tennessee Rep. Stephen Fincher (R), a farmer who decided that he needed to leave his home to try to help save the country he loves.
What a refreshing change from the blank-eyed automatons who so often masquerade as members of Congress. No realpolitik talk from Fincher, just a clear, concise vision that America needs to stop spending more than we bring in.
Some of the establishment on both sides of the aisle may view Fincher's take on the world as idealistic craziness, but idealistic crazies founded this great nation.
Idealistic crazies risked their fortunes and lives to set the foundation of the greatest nation that the world has ever seen. A nation that has brought unprecedented worldwide prosperity. A nation that is still populated by people like Stephen Fincher, who believe that the 21st century can continue to be an American century, if we just get our economic house in order and return to the free-enterprise principles that have benefited both America and the world.
When I left Fincher's office, I remembered a conversation that I had with another freshman GOP congressman, Todd Rokita, from Indiana, in January.
Rokita told me that he wasn't concerned about getting reelected in 2012, because his job was to make a better future for his constituent's children and grandchildren.
As we witness an almost unprecedented budget debate on the floor of the House of Representatives, I am relieved that Americans elected Stephen Fincher, Todd Rokita and a whole freshman class of "crazies," who put our nation before politics.
"Crazies" who believe that tackling the tough problems today, rather than deferring them to the next generation, is not only necessary, but is the whole reason they gave up their lives to come to Washington.
"Crazies" who have the audacity to believe that America's greatness is ahead of us, if we only make the short-term sacrifices today.
"Crazies" who believe that the American Dream is achieved through private-sector investment, hardworking entrepreneurs, whether they be shopkeepers or farmers, who get their hands dirty to make and sell products, and create jobs in the process.
Having been in D.C. for more than 25 years, I thank God for "crazies" like Stephen Fincher, a man who sees the big picture of what is at stake in the budget battles and is unafraid to say what needs to be said.
On 2/20/2011 6:22 AM, Travis wrote:
I dont see what the fuss is about congressmen sleeping in their offices. Shows some sense of frugality to me.
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Bruce Majors <majors.bruce@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Wilson <marytheprez@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 9:12 AM
Subject: [PresidentBarakObama] Re: [FriendsofMichelleObama] Tax Payer Boarding house
To: FriendsofMichelleObama@yahoogroups.com
This is outrageous! They vote no on funding to protect women and children from rape. They vote no on extended college funding. And they want US to pay their living expenses while they cut money for education! Not one of them has created one job so far...except, I guess, for those who have to clean up their mess in the Capitol building early each morning.They are not saving this country a dime. They get great salaries, benefits for life, travel pay, "per diem" pay, and yet, they are too cheap to spend their living expenses, paid by the tax payers.Here in TN we ought to find out just who is 'sleeping over' and force them out. Our light bills here are high enough. We cannot afford keeping the lights on every night in Washington.
From: Brawny <brawny@twlakes.net>
To: Ver <vermont_for_kerry@yahoogroups.com>; VirginiaisforDemocrats@yahoogroups.com; PresidentBarakObama@yahoogroups.com; FriendsofMichelleObama@yahoogroups.com; AggressiveProgressives@yahoogroups.com; SECULARHUMANIST@yahoogroups.com; tampa <tampademocrats@yahoogroups.com>; south <southforkerry@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, February 20, 2011 5:33:10 AM
Subject: [FriendsofMichelleObama] Tax Payer Boarding house
How many of you know that over 30 Congress members sleep inside the Capital building,using tax payers lights,hot water,showers,heat,and cooling after each spent Millions to get elected and say they was against taxpayers handouts?Is this what many of you voted for a congress person sleeping inside the U.S.Capital using federal tax dollars to shower,use tax dollars for heat,cooling,showers,and turning the capital building into a boarding house.Who would want to sit on a sofa in any congressman office after he or she had sleep there the night before?If you want your tax dollars spent on something besides a boarding house for congress,write them and tell them to find a house to rent..On there dollar.. Not OURS.And yes Tennessee has a teabagger sleeping in the Capital building using tax dollars utilities. TEABAGGER FINCHER
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