--Exposing fraud on the Internet. Golly gee whiz "Keet", that is a big job!
This applies to both Tommy and studio -
let me
that for you
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=troll+defined(Follow the link)
Intelligent people do not feed the trolls. You continually respond to the troll posts over and over again as if you expect a different response (the definition of insanity) from the trolls. This type of thing certainly doesn't indicate a "superior intellect" on your part and will deter others from joining and participating in a group of trolls and troll feeders.
PS Listing the many words to describe a leftist puke has grown tiresome. I would argue that most of Obama's inner circle are Maoists or Stalinists but we could save that discussion for another day I suppose. Stop listing names and descriptions and get to the point FCS!!! You have worn it out Keith.
From: politicalforum@googlegroups.com [mailto:politicalforum@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Keith In Köln
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 03:57
To: politicalforum@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Reagan; Dubya; Orange Boner, Cryer of the House...
Again, if the group serves any purpose, it exposes fraud.
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:06 PM, frankg <frankg2@gmail.com> wrote:
Wow, that's an awful lot of hate coming from someone on the left who
is always bitching about the hate coming from the right.
On Jan 11, 1:24 pm, Tommy News <tommysn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Speaking of Crystal Balls, It is well known that grade "D" actress and
> fashion plate Nancy Davis Reagan and her "psychic" friends were making
> Presidential decisions for and behind Ronnie.
> In the context of Reagan's dimentia, it is worth reading Leslie
> Stahl's memoirs. She recalls that when she visited Reagan on her
> farewell visit after having covered the White House beat for all of
> his two terms in office, he had no idea who she was.
>> On 1/10/11, Tommy News <tommysn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > From our friend Jim:
> > RE: Orange Boner, Cryer of the House, Sheds Crocodile Tears Again a...
> > I thought that was a given that Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's years before
> > he
> > became President.
> > (Before I go any further, I know whereof I speak concerning Alzheimer's.)
> > Like most people in the early stages of the disease, he was affable and
> > able to parrot what was given to him to read and/or say.
> > With his experience of doing this for a living, he became the "Great
> > Communicator."
> > What he communicated was what his handlers told him to say.
> > To hide his deficiencies, Nancy was constantly at his side...prompting him
> > and covering for him. She was his enabler.
> > That is the "normal behavior" for the spouse or significant other of an
> > Alzheimer's patient. They will pursue it relentlessly, calling it love, no
> > matter how harmful the deception.
> > Ronald Reagan was never properly intellectually able to be President.
> > That meant nothing to the morally bankrupt ReTHUGlican Party.
> > Neither was DUH-Byah. Again, there was no concern because all they needed
> > and wanted was a front (AKA Shill) to use as a diversion from their
> > destruction of America...for personal gain.
> > Both Reagan and Bush were what I refer to as Post Turtles.
> > Everybody knows a turtle cannot climb a fence post.
> > Put one up there to create a diversion while you go about your dastardly
> > deeds and then claim they are "Presidential policies."
> > Think "trickle down economics" and the illegal invasion of Iraq.
> > Both...crimes against our nation for the benefit of the power brokers.
> > Neither of those two had enough sense to craft a policy on anything. Much
> > less economics or war.
> > Reagan, because of his Alzheimer's.
> > Bush, because he's just plain stupid and a sociopath.
> > Both were the malleable court jesters for the powerful forces that put them
> > in office.
> > We suffer from what happened during the term of office for both of these
> > dunder heads. Our nation will continue to suffer for generations to come.
> > The latest twist or "innovation" on the Post Turtle theme is the Tea Party,
> > financed and controlled by billionaires who are also sociopaths.
> > With the current Gang of Five on the Supreme Court gutting the Constitution
> > to suit the power brokers, we're in for much more...and worse...of the
> > same insanity.
> > Our very existence as a nation is in jeopardy. Unlike the ReTHUGlicans,
> > that is not empty hyperbole!
> > Stay tuned...
> > Jim
> > --
> > Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> > Have a great day,
> > Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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