After you read the real numbers from the US Government Treasury below (please follow the links) your continued cry that Clinton left a surplus would make you an absolute and resolute liar. Facts are a bitch.
-- Here are the facts and how to find them regarding the bogus Clinton surplus as well as a quote from the leading Democratic Congressman of the time:
Both Democrats and Republicans are all running this year and next and saying surplus, surplus. Look what we have done. It is false. The actual figures show that from the beginning of the fiscal year until now we had to borrow $127,800,000,000. - Democratic Senator Ernest Hollings, October 28, 1999
Fiscal Year | Year Ending | National Debt | Deficit |
FY1993 | 09/30/1993 | $4.411488 trillion | |
FY1994 | 09/30/1994 | $4.692749 trillion | $281.26 billion |
FY1995 | 09/29/1995 | $4.973982 trillion | $281.23 billion |
FY1996 | 09/30/1996 | $5.224810 trillion | $250.83 billion |
FY1997 | 09/30/1997 | $5.413146 trillion | $188.34 billion |
FY1998 | 09/30/1998 | $5.526193 trillion | $113.05 billion |
FY1999 | 09/30/1999 | $5.656270 trillion | $130.08 billion |
FY2000 | 09/29/2000 | $5.674178 trillion | $17.91 billion |
FY2001 | 09/28/2001 | $5.807463 trillion | $133.29 billion |
Looking at the makeup of the national debt and the claimed surpluses for the last 4 Clinton fiscal years, we have the following table:
Mark M. Kahle H.
Fiscal Year | End Date | Claimed Surplus | Public Debt | Intra-gov Holdings | Total National Debt |
FY1997 | 09/30/1997 | $3.789667T | $1.623478T | $5.413146T | |
FY1998 | 09/30/1998 | $69.2B | $3.733864T | $1.792328T | $5.526193T |
FY1999 | 09/30/1999 | $122.7B | $3.636104T | $2.020166T | $5.656270T |
FY2000 | 09/29/2000 | $230.0B | $3.405303T | $2.268874T | $5.674178T |
FY2001 | 09/28/2001 | $3.339310T | $2.468153T | $5.807463T |
- Go to the U.S. Treasury website:
- Click on "Bureaus": Takes you to
- Click on "Bureau of the Public Debt": Takes you to
- Scroll down to the section "The U.S. Public Debt" and click on "See the U.S. Public Debt to the Penny."
- This takes you to the link:
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Tommy News <> wrote:
Wrong again, Fool.
Clinton did indeed leave a surplus, which Dubya squandered away.
Look it up.
On 1/5/11, dick thompson <> wrote:
> Fool, Clinton did not leave a surplus. The Bush recession you keep
> blabbing about started in 2000 under Clinton and was in its 3rd quarter
> when Bush was inaugurated.
> On 01/05/2011 10:17 PM, Tommy News wrote:
>> "Obamacare" is an offensive and misleading negative term.
>> Government plans rarely come in on or under
>> budget.
>> W. Bush caused the gigantic deficit and squandered the Clinton
>> surplus. Yes, he did.
>> On 1/5/11, Mark<> wrote:
>>> Tommy,
>>> Is it not a health care plan championed by Obama ?? On ewould think he
>>> would
>>> be PROUDER than a peacock to have his name so closely associated.
>>> Please list any and all Government plans that have come in on or under
>>> budget and accomplished at least 80% of their goals.
>>> I am waiting.
>>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Tommy News<> wrote:
>>>> That is a plain lie.
>>>> That is another plain lie.
>>>> That is yet another plain lie.
>>>> The derogatory term "Obamacare" is an offensive misnomer, and yet
>>>> another
>>>> lie.
>>>> On 1/5/11, dick thompson<> wrote:
>>>>> That is a plain lie. Your various insurance companies will have to
>>>>> offer the plan as defined by the administration, not the plan the
>>>>> individual may want or need. As an example I would have to buy a plan
>>>>> that had neo-natal care and pregnancy care even though I am 70, single
>>>>> and male. That is a change that makes no sense to me. As it stands
>>>>> now
>>>>> I can pick and choose what plan I want or even have a plan that allows
>>>>> me to pay for most of my current needs and have in addition a plan for
>>>>> catastrophic care. The Obamacare plan does not allow that at all.
>>>>> That is the lies and false smear that should be fought, not what the
>>>>> Republicans are talking about.
>>>>> On 01/05/2011 08:47 PM, Tommy News wrote:
>>>>>> Point is, Markie, those plans were unaffordable for many and
>>>>>> unobtainable for those with "pre-existing conditions" like cancer and
>>>>>> other diseases, and even to pregnant women needing natal care.
>>>>>> In the United States, under President Obama's health reform bill, your
>>>>>> ability to choose personally the people to be involved in your health
>>>>>> care does not change one iota. Not one bit. You still have the exact
>>>>>> same feeedom of choice you had before. The Reich wing and the
>>>>>> corporate profiteers spread false lies about this and other provisions
>>>>>> of the bill constantly.
>>>>>> Fight the lies and false smear!
>>>>>> On 1/5/11, Mark<> wrote:
>>>>>>> Point is Tommy, the alternative was already in place. A free
>>>>>>> enterprise
>>>>>>> system that allowed every working man, woman in the US to choose his
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>> own best policy.
>>>>>>> We simply need to go back to that which worked and was the envy of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> world
>>>>>>> as far as health care was concerned.
>>>>>>> I want the people I choose personally to be involved in my healthy
>>>>>>> care... I
>>>>>>> do not want to be in a healthcare "queue" managed by faceless
>>>> bureaucrats
>>>>>>> Check those social welfare systems in any socialized medicine country
>>>> and
>>>>>>> see how many more people are eligible yet add in the numbers that
>>>>>>> literally
>>>>>>> die waiting. All of those countries have developed private systems to
>>>>>>> serve
>>>>>>> the working man.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Tommy News<>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Wrong. You are not everyone.
>>>>>>>> Does Mr Boehner know about whom he's speaking when he and any of his
>>>>>>>> conservative cronies say "the American people". I think he and they
>>>>>>>> mean "it has to be my way". I wonder what their consituents will do
>>>>>>>> when they learn that they can't get the health care they need
>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>> insurance companies ... well, we all know about that part of it.
>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> Republicans have been bitching and moaning about what they like to
>>>>>>>> derisively call "Obamacare", yet not one of them has come forward
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> a scintilla of an alternative. I doubt if they have a plan since it
>>>>>>>> seems to me that they've mostly been concerned with knocking down
>>>>>>>> President Obama at every turn. Our health insurance system is one
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> the most cumbersome in the world, since it's really not a system by
>>>>>>>> subject to the individual money-grabbing whims of the insurance
>>>>>>>> companies. We are supposedly the richest country in the world.
>>>>>>>> While
>>>>>>>> we spend mountains of moolah on every kind of war effort, there's
>>>>>>>> never any money to take care of our citizens. It's interesting that
>>>>>>>> in all this talk about saving money, it's never once been brought up
>>>>>>>> that perhaps we should cut back in the war mongering department. We
>>>>>>>> say we're a peace-loving nation. Our actions do not back up our
>>>>>>>> words. I was born in 1940 and have lived through 5 wars (WW2,
>>>>>>>> Korea,
>>>>>>>> Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan). That seems a bit on the excessive
>>>>>>>> side.
>>>>>>>> I think it's important to remember that when it comes to war we are
>>>>>>>> not always in the right.
>>>>>>>> On 1/5/11, Mark<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I bought the "rider" on my policy.... that is not an option they
>>>> have.
>>>>>>>> Free
>>>>>>>>> enterprise means getting what you pay for.
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Tommy News<>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Markie Mark Mark-
>>>>>>>>>> And what happens when you get cancer or some other disease and
>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> insurance company "death panel" drops your policy and you cannot
>>>>>>>>>> buy
>>>>>>>>>> another policy because you now have a "pre-existing condition"?
>>>> What
>>>>>>>>>> then, Markie Mark?
>>>>>>>>>> On 1/5/11, THE ANNOINTED ONE<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> @@@@ they want to put insurance companies back in charge of our
>>>>>>>>>>> health
>>>>>>>>>>> care.@@@@
>>>>>>>>>>> You bet I want that. I work hard and pay my own bills. I want to
>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>> able to hire any one or any company I choose to meet my personal
>>>>>>>>>>> needs
>>>>>>>>>>> whether it is health care or which gas station to fill my tank.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 5, 2:13 pm, Tommy News<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The dire negative consequences of health reform repeal
>>>>>>>>>>>> From Mitch Stewart, BarackObama . com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tommy --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Our progress is under attack.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Their majority is not even a day old, but House Republicans are
>>>>>>>>>>>> already getting ready to pass a bill to repeal health reform.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of focusing on the future, they want to put insurance
>>>>>>>>>>>> companies back in charge of our health care. To go back to the
>>>> days
>>>>>>>>>>>> when these companies could deny coverage to children based on
>>>>>>>>>>>> pre-existing conditions, cancel coverage when people would get
>>>> sick,
>>>>>>>>>>>> or limit the care you could receive -- even when you needed
>>>>>>>>>>>> more.
>>>>>>>> When
>>>>>>>>>>>> seniors would be forced to choose between paying their mortgage
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> paying for their prescription drugs, simply because they landed
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> "donut hole" in coverage.
>>>>>>>>>>>> They want to turn our progress into a partisan fight.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But you and I know that the Affordable Care Act and other
>>>>>>>>>>>> reforms
>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> protect consumers did not pass because of a partisan or
>>>> ideological
>>>>>>>>>>>> agenda.
>>>>>>>>>>>> They passed because millions of Americans stood up and said we
>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>> ready for commonsense solutions after years of fraud and abuse,
>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> new era of responsibility after unchecked power. They passed
>>>>>>>>>>>> because,
>>>>>>>>>>>> after 100 years of debate and negotiation, we said we would wait
>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>> longer for health reform.
>>>>>>>>>>>> These reforms passed because of you. Now, we must prepare to
>>>>>>>>>>>> stand
>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>> for them again.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Organizing for America is pulling together a team of organizers
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> volunteers to defend reform -- and we need you on this team.
>>>>>>>> Together,
>>>>>>>>>>>> we'll show how our progress is already improving lives across
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> country -- and take on those who are pushing for repeal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Join the fight to protect our progress and keep Congress focused
>>>> on
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> future:
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's clear that's not where House Republicans are looking --
>>>> they're
>>>>>>>>>>>> putting the car in reverse and heading straight toward the ditch
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> we just spent two years climbing out of.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As the President said this week, we are still emerging from a
>>>>>>>>>>>> recession that took a toll on millions of families, many of whom
>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>> still trying to get their lives back on track. The Affordable
>>>>>>>>>>>> Care
>>>>>>>> Act
>>>>>>>>>>>> and Wall Street reform were important steps forward on the road
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> recovery, and we can't afford to play political games with them
>>>> now.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We have an obligation to ensure our progress is not rewritten by
>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> insurance industry and big banks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This year, we'll need to stand by the President as he works to
>>>> grow
>>>>>>>>>>>> our economy, make the United States more competitive, and keep
>>>>>>>>>>>> moving
>>>>>>>>>>>> the country forward -- but we're also going to have to work hard
>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> defend what we have already achieved.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Join the campaign to protect our progress:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mitch
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mitch Stewart
>>>>>>>>>>>> Director
>>>>>>>>>>>> Organizing for America
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tommy
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>> For options& help see
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>>>>>>>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>>>>>>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>>>>>>> Tommy
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>>>>>>>> For options& help see
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>>>>>>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Mark M. Kahle H.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>>>>>>> For options& help see
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>>>>>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>>>>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>>>>> Tommy
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>>>>>> For options& help see
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>>>>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Mark M. Kahle H.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>>>>> For options& help see
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
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>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>> --
>>>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Tommy
>>>> --
>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>> For options& help see
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>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>> --
>>> Mark M. Kahle H.
>>> --
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>>> For options& help see
>>> * Visit our other community at
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>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
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Mark M. Kahle H.
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