WOW. Congratulations to all Pakistanis. Now Pakistan will become an Economic Power, This missile will help recover electricity shortage and will provide employment to all Pakistanis. It will also help recover food shortage and floor and sugar will be available at low cost affordable to all. All of Pakistan's problem will be solved with this missile.
A stupid nation like this deserves what is happening to them.
A stupid nation like this deserves what is happening to them.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 22:57:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject: **JP** Pakistan tested its missile successfully - indians drowned againPakistan successfully launched and tested another missile, ending the year with a very positive note and achieving its objectives, whereas, our indian neighbours, who are desperate to be called a super power, failed once again, as their fired missile only landed in the sea few seconds after the launch....Long live Pakistan and its military/engineers... (Pakistan missile launch) (indian failed missile) (earlier indian failure)
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