On 10/11/2010 4:25 PM, Tommy News wrote:
Vote for Andrew Cuomo!Paladino Strongly Defends Remarks on HomosexualityBy NICHOLAS CONFESSORE"Today" Show A screen shot from Carl P. Paladino's appearance on the "Today" show. Click to view video.
Updated, 1:20 p.m. | The day after making remarks denouncing homosexuality, Carl P. Paladino defended his opinion during television interviews on Monday and said that children should not attend gay pride parades because they featured skimpily dressed men "grinding at each other and doing these gyrations."
"It's disgusting," Mr. Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor, said on the "Today" show.
Mr. Paladino, who also appeared on "Good Morning America," sought to defend controversial remarks about gays he made on Sunday to Jewish leaders in Brooklyn, including arguing that children should not be "brainwashed" into considering homosexuality acceptable.
Mr. Paladino said he did not regret those remarks and did not believe they made him a bigot. He also said that discrimination against gays was "horrible" and should not be tolerated.
"My feelings on homosexuality are unequivocal," Mr. Paladino said on "Today." "I have absolutely no problem with it whatsoever. My only reservation is marriage."
He added, "I have a lot of homosexuals working in my organization," referring to his real estate business.
But Mr. Paladino reiterated that he thought it was wrong for Andrew M. Cuomo, his Democratic opponent, to have taken his daughters to a gay pride parade, saying that such events were inappropriate for children.
"Young children should not be exposed to that at a young age. They don't understand, it's a very difficult thing," Mr. Paladino said. "And exposing them to homosexuality, especially at a gay pride parade — and I don't know if you have ever been to one, but they wear these little Speedos and they grind against each other and it's just a terrible thing."
Mr. Paladino elaborated on those remarks during his interview on "Good Morning America," saying that he and his wife had "stumbled on" a gay pride parade once during a trip to Toronto.
"It wasn't pretty," Mr. Paladino said. "It was a bunch of very extreme-type people in bikini-type outfits grinding at each other and doing these gyrations, and I certainly wouldn't let my young children see that."
Supporters of gay rights lashed out at Mr. Paladino's comments, saying they make him unsuitable to be New York's governor.
"Out of touch, out of his mind, should be out of the race," said Brian Ellner, a senior strategist for the Human Rights Campaign for New York Marriage.
Update, 1:20 p.m. | Reaction from gay and lesbian politicians to Mr. Paladino's remarks was swift and condemnatory.
"What Mr. Paladino did yesterday was make outrageous, demeaning, hateful and dangerous comments," City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the highest ranking openly gay city politician, said at a news conference at Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street his morning. Among the other gay leaders there was State Senator Thomas K. Duane of Manhattan. Soon after, Ms. Quinn left to march in the Columbus Day Parade nearby — along with Mr. Paladino and Mr. Cuomo.
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