Praise be upon the Allah who governs hair color!!
--yeing Hair Black
In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate "May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala RasulillahAs-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
The correct opinion is that it is haraam to do this, because of the warning mentioned in the hadeeth: "At the end of time there will be people who dye their hair black like the crops of pigeons; they will never smell the fragrance of Paradise."
(Reported by Abu Dawud, 4/419; see also Saheeh al-Jaami', 8153).
This practice is widespread among those who have grey hairs, which they cover with black dye; this leads to many evils, such as deceit, and cheating people by boasting of something which is not true.
It is true that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to dye his grey hairs with henna, which gave a yellowish, reddish or brownish hue.
When Abu Quhaafah, whose hair and beard was as white as thughaamah (plant whose leaves and flowers are intensely white) was brought to him on the day of the Conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Change this with something, but avoid black." (Reported by Muslim, 3/1663).
The correct view is that women are like men in this regard: they are not permitted to dye any hairs black that are not black.
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