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OpEdNews.com was well represented at the One Nation rally at the Lincoln Memorial, which various people estimated to have anywhere from tens of thousands to 175,000 in attendance.
I was so busy setting up press passes I forget to get one for myself, though the media desk people were very accomodating, when I realized my error.
OEN folks who were at the event included managing editor Cheryl Biren, Senior editor Josh Mitteldorf, Editor Kevin Gosztola, and writers Danny Schechter, Marta Steele and Tim Gatto.
Here are a few pics

Kevin Gosztola in the press area.
Below, Marta Steele and Danny Schechter. I'll be writing up my take, with some more pics, later today.
Short version-- The organizers did an extraordinary job, creating a day that produced a new kind of liberal/progressive event that should bring out the young and people who usually don't go to protests.
Why? They did an amazing job of putting on a show. It was not just a long series of political lectures. Instead, it included singing, dancing, poetry... and why shouldn't we get that.
By Kevin Gosztola
Progressive "One Nation" Event a Bit Disappointing, We Didn't March
This rally provided group therapy for community organizers and Obama supporters looking for a way to reaffirm their dedication to hope and change. It was not only a chance to unify around the need for jobs, education, environmental protections and clean energy, immigrant rights, college affordability, etc. but also a chance to reclaim history...
By Marta Steele
We Have a Dream--"One Nation Working Together"
An emotional, highly illustrated take on today's rally at Lincoln Memorial, "One Nation Working Together."
By Tom Eley
Victim of FBI Raid Speaks Out
Those raided by the FBI are clearly under attack for constitutionally protected political speech. The raids and grand jury hearings, at which those subpoenaed do not have the right to counsel, represent a frontal attack on democratic rights and a major step in the direction of police-state forms of rule.
By Sylvia Clute
Punitive Justice Distilled: the Stanford Prison Experiment
Our prison industrial complex is plagued with problems so complex it is difficult to figure out where they begin. The Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by a group of social scientists in the early 1970s helps unravel the mystery
By Michael Moore
Five Ways the Democrats Can Avoid a Catastrophe and Pull Off the Mother of All Upsets
The election is one month from tomorrow and, yes, it looks hopeless. November 2nd -- the day the Dems are expected to crash and burn.
Frank Rich: The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O'Donnell
ALL it took was some 30,000 Republican primary voters in a tiny state to turn Christine O'Donnell into the brightest all-American media meteor since Balloon Boy. For embattled liberals, not to mention the axis of Comedy Central, "Saturday Night Live" and Bill Maher, she's been pure comic gold for weeks: a bottomless trove of baldfaced lies, radical views and sheer wackiness.
By Meryl Ann Butler
Set The Raygun to "Stun": Dennis Larkins' Startling Art
Dennis Larkins' staggering output of artwork ranges from "lowbrow" pop surrealism paintings to stage design for rock concerts to his legendary series of Grateful Dead posters.
By Karl Grossman
Revenge of the Jellyfish
There's been an explosion of jellyfish in waters around the world--with global warming a prime cause.
By Bill Hare
Fox News and the Dumbing Down of America
Fox News has programmed a tragic audience of zombies.
By Chris Floyd
The Altars of Fear: Wrong Turns on a Long, Dark Road
While the Europeans protest for jobs and dignity, Americans pour out into the streets in angry demonstrations against the very idea of helping the poor and the economically devastated, or putting the slightest restraint on the rapacious super-rich.
More Information Sought on Cell Phone Industry Influence on FCC
The striking similarity between industry claims & the new language on the FCC's website raises serious concerns about the independence of the regulatory agency.FCC should immediately disclose its interactions with industry representatives.The commission should also address the growing concernsâ€"based on scientific studiesâ€"about cell phone radiation levels& conduct a transparent and thorough review of the scientific data.
By Sherwin Steffin
A Way Forward
Living in a world largely controlled by psychopathic leaders, I suggest a possible way for activists to approach a solution to the problems caused by them.
CIA Escalates Campaign in Pakistan
The U.S. military is secretly diverting aerial drones and weaponry from the Afghan battlefront to significantly expand the CIA's campaign against militants in their Pakistani havens. The CIA doesn't acknowledge the program, and the shift of Pentagon resources has been kept under wraps.
By Gregory Paul
Those Damn Republican Landmines
The modern Republican tactic of damaging the government to better their chances of running the country trips up the Democrats, but poses long term dangers for the right.
By John Little
Ecuador - Another Right Wing Coup in Progress
The coup d'etat in Ecuador is just another sign of the right-wing's total disregard for the rule of national and international law.
By Andrew Schmookler
The "Enthusiasm Gap" Reflects a Spiritual Reality
"Enthusiasm" means, at its root, "possessed by a god." Today's "conservatives" are plugged into a spiritual power. It is the power of darkness, or evil, but it is a spiritual power nonetheless. Today's liberal leadership, by contrast, has lost contact with the spiritual level. They therefore cannot "in-spire" their followers. We are compelled therefore to find our enthusiasm in the repudiation of evil.
By Stephen Lendman
Failed Washington-Sponsored Ecuadorean Coup Attempt
Another Obama administration coup attempt, this one unsuccessful so far.
By Mark Nease
Americanism (Consumerism) versus Communism
A short study in American's political and economic vocabulary and how it relates to their inability to construct an equitable, compassionate society.
By Dave Lefcourt
Iraq Set to Name al-Maliki to 2nd Term as P.M. with Support from Radical Shiite al Sadr
Seven months after the election, Iraq to name Nuri al-Maliki to a 2nd term as P.M. The stalemate was broken when followers of Moktada al Sadr, the radical Shiite cleric, decided to support al-Maliki. The news of Sadr's support sent shivers of alarm thru official Washington. But we broke Iraq and now lament its latest political outcome. Real political reconciliation remains uncertain if not impossible in Iraq;that is our legacy
By David Weiner
The Shape of Things to Come
Phillip Bobbit's Terrorism and Consent has some disturbing implications.
By Linn Washington
Insider Analysis: Predictions of Democatic Defeat Premature
Third highest-ranking Democrat in the U.S. Congress dismisses news media/pollster predictions of Republican snatching control of Capitol Hill in the November elections.
The Obama Administration: September 16-30, 2010
This article is the 41st in a continuing series chronicling the unfolding history of the Obama Administration. The writer's opinions are not offered, leaving the readers to arrive at their own conclusions
The Israeli threat to global security
Before Stuxnet loomed over the horizon, serious warnings were being issued about the United States' vulnerability to a crippling cyber attack, yet thus far none of those raising the alarm have pointed to the ways in which Israel's cyber warfare capabilities may now indirectly or directly threaten the United States and its interests.
Bucking Up For Barry
The president was right when he said that his administration was the "most successful in a generation in moving progressive agendas forward." Of course, he didn't mention that the presidents of the last generation were Reagan, Daddy Bush, Clinton and Baby Bush.
US War Crimes in Fallujah
Horrific war crimes in Fallujah and throughout Iraq
Bucking Up For Barry
The Obama Administration said this week that progressives need to "buck up". I agree. Otherwise, things could really get bad.
Voting News: D.C. halts test of internet voting pilot. Shelby Co TN election trial starts Monday
DC Board of Elections & Ethics suspended the public examination of internet voting pilot...NY Sen Elections Committee held hearing on the recent primary. Lawrence Norden with Brennan Ctr for Justice makes recommendations...Judge won't dismiss lawsuit against Shelby County TN Election Commission - "You might want to start preparing for yet another election, Shelby County."..India police to question 3rd person over EVMs...
Sophistry and the Right
As deceitful as any Sophist the right never hesitates to employ any subterfuge, exaggeration, anecdotal license or bold faced lie to achieve its ends
Disturbing STD Experiments on Guatemalans by U.S. Uncovered
An article written by Susan M. Reverby, a professor of women's studies at Wellesley College, has uncovered details on a study conducted between 1946 and 1948 in Guatemala, which involved experiments on Guatemalans. Essentially, the Public Health Service (PHS) inoculated people with syphilis.
Why the US Doesn't Talk to Iran
US foreign policy decisions, especially in the Middle East, seem to be driven not so much by broad national interests as they are by narrow (but powerful) special interests, represented largely by the military-security-AIPAC forces, which tend to perceive international peace and stability as detrimental to their nefarious interests.
The Real American Terrorist
A look back at suicide amongst LGBT youth and who is really to blame.
Kerik Appeal Documents Injustice By Judge at Sentencing
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik argued this week that a federal appeals court should vacate his four-year prison sentence because of serious errors and bias by his trial judge. The three major arguments in Kerik's brief filed Sept. 28 attacked U.S. District Judge Stephen C. Robinson, who put Kerik in solitary confinement pre-trial for until he agreed to plead guilty to corruption charges last November.
The Greatest Story Never Told, Part II: If Eddie Long Is David, Who The Hell's Goliath?
Will the case against "Bishop" Eddie Long take forever? Let's hope not. The public wants every salacious detail. Both Long and his accusers, however, have given over vagaries, not details. And Long has not defined just who "Goliath" is. Added to this saga will also be the sideshow of the lawyers, both Titans of the courtroom. So if there is any more action, tighten your seat belts, folks!
The Devil You Say
Let us imagine for a moment that the beliefs of the Religious Right are not wrong in terms of what is going to happen, but how? What if their focus on who the Antichrist is should be directed at someone they trust, like, Glen Beck for example, rather than Barrack Obama? What if the Devil, feeling he could not be stopped, left a note in a half mad blogger's e-mail, bragging about his plan? The following is the result.
Join The Humanitarian Coalition for Peace and Freedom
The message we promote is in the best interest of humanity as a whole body, regardless of religious beliefs, because what is needed in the world is not more theocratic versions of religions as we know them. What is needed is secular government that respects all true religions (and reformed religions) that promote unity, harmony, and peace.
What We're Looking For
These are the two competing philosophies of American governance, one side believes in government investing in long term projects to grow the economy and to improve the health, safety and lives of it's people. The other side believes in tax cuts they believe the government shouldn't invest in anything. They believe cutting taxes creates a vibrant economy,
If It Costs 0, It Is Worth ...
Now we have been for more than 18 month under the regime of the 0% target discount rate. We have injected trillions of money that never were translated in long-term investments. We must draw the conclusions now and those are straightforward. If the risk free rate is 0% it means that there is no individual or social value of incremental investments. It means simply that we have too much of them.
Security in top gear as Delhi braces for Games extravaganza
DATELINE NEW DELHI: Their weapons drawn out, thousands of security personnel were on high alert in and around the Commonwealth Games Village and other venues as the Indian capital prepared for a gala opening on Sunday evening of the 12-day event that has drawn nearly 7,000 athletes and officials from around the world.
Obama uses Weekly Address to lobby for Israeli firm BrightSource
In his Weekly Address today President Obama had glowing words for a company called BrightSource and how a subsidized loan program established by his administration is helping BrightSource to create US jobs. In light of the fact that BrightSource is effectively based in Israel -- and that's where all the R&D happens -- the president's claim to be supporting 'American innovation' is at best disingenuous.
Blackwater wins new deal in Afghanistan
Private US security firm Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Backwater, has won another lucrative contract with the administration of President Barack Obama despite its involvement in a trail of legal problems. The deals come despite a campaign promise by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to keep Blackwater away from federal contracts.
In House and Senate, Midterm Election Still in Play
Republicans carry substantial advantages as they move into the final month of the fall campaign, but the resilience of vulnerable Democrats is complicating Republican efforts to lock down enough seats to capture the House and take control of the unsettled electoral battleground.
DC rally shows support for struggling Democrats
Tapping into anger as the tea party movement has done, a coalition of progressive and civil rights groups marched Saturday on the Lincoln Memorial and pledged to support Democrats struggling to keep power on Capitol Hill.
Bob Herbert: The Campaign Disconnect
Election Day is approaching, but neither party cares to focus on the nightmare facing millions of Americans who have been laid low by unemployment, home foreclosures, personal bankruptcies, and jobs that offer only part-time work, lousy pay and absolutely no benefits.
"Obama's Wars": The Real Story Bob Woodward Won't Tell
it's no surprise that when it comes to Woodward's latest work, the myth-making machine is on auto pilot. The public, of course, will end up as confused and manipulated as ever. And so things will continue, same as they ever were. Endless war, no substantive reforms. Unless we wake up to our own victimhood.
Dana Milbank: Tea Party may snuff out a chance to shrink government
It appears that the Tea Partyers and their allies would summarily reject anything that might be labeled a tax increase -- even eliminating tax giveaways and loopholes. The Tea Party may be the obstacle blocking the way toward a shrunken government and a reduced debt.
Congress Gives NASA New Orders That Bypass the Moon
NASA, best known as the agency that put the first man on the moon, is about to end its moon program for the foreseeable future. NASA will turn to private companies to launch astronauts into space, while it starts work on a larger rocket for travel to more distant destinations -- an asteroid, perhaps, and eventually Mars.
Joseph Sobran, Writer Whom Buckley Mentored, Dies at 64
Joseph Sobran, a hard-hitting conservative writer and moralist whose outspoken antipathy to Israel and what he saw as the undue influence of a Jewish lobby on American foreign policy led to his removal as a senior editor of National Review in 1993, died on Thursday in Fairfax, Va. He was 64.
World's Rivers in 'Crisis State,' Report Finds
The world's rivers, the single largest renewable water resource for humans and a crucible of aquatic biodiversity, are in a crisis of ominous proportions, according to a new global analysis.
GOP Operatives Say their "Speaker Education Project" is Nonpartisan
In a political climate when GOP House of Representatives candidates all over the country are doing their utmost to link Democrats with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it seems odd for a group called the "Speaker Education Project," an offshoot of the conservative "American for Limited Government," to claim it's nonpartisan.
With Another $1 Million Donation, Murdoch Expands His Political Sphere
By JIM RUTENBERG Published: October 1, 2010 Democrats charged that the Republican Party has become "a division" of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN
Late this afternoon, CNN announced that it had fired anchor Rick Sanchez following controversial comments he made about Jews, the media and Comedy Central host Jon Stewart. "Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well," a statement from CNN read.
New study: groups demonstrate distinctive "collective intelligence' when facing difficult tasks
When it comes to intelligence, the whole can indeed be greater than the sum of its parts. A new study co-authored by MIT researchers documents the existence of collective intelligence among groups of people who cooperate well, showing that such intelligence extends beyond the cognitive abilities of the groups' individual members, and that the tendency to cooperate effectively is linked to the number of women in a group.
CRUDE OIL Found In Oysters at N.C. Restaurant: TOXIC GULF FOOD ALERT
CRUDE OIL Found In Oysters in Carolinas And Obama Told Us To Eat This? CORNELIUS, NC (WBTV) -- "A video out of a seafood restaurant sparks the need for rational thinking, like a scene out of an oil changing shop." A man says he found oil inside his oysters while eating at a restaurant located north of Charlotte this weekend.
CNN anchor fired after Jon Stewart rant
CNN has fired anchor Rick Sanchez following a radio rant Thursday night where he called Jon Stewart a "bigot," blamed CNN brass for discrimination against him and insinuated that the media industry is controlled by Jews.
Censored Gulf News: Voice from Inside Ochsner Hospital - National Human Rights | Examiner.com with Video
Bad news. Many of the most vocal fighters against BP, and all of then strong advocates for the Gulf and its inhabitants, have been hospitalized recently due to Gulf toxicity-related illnesses. This includes Kindra Arnesen, Joannie Hughes, and Vicky Perrin of the Cosatal Heritage Society of Louisiana, as well as reporter Gregg Hall and the film staff of Project Gulf Impact. Pray for their full recovery.
Third Bill Maher Clip of Christine O'Donnell: Further Dabblings
Christine O'Donnell's further religious dabblings.
'Obama asks for 2-month building moratorium'
the letter offers a string of assurances to Israel in return for a two-month moratorium extension. More specifically, US officials indicate that the document makes commitments on issues ranging from current peace and security matters to future weapons deliveries in the event that peace-related security arrangements are reached."
Admiral Mike Mullen: Cost of military health care is 'not sustainable'
Adm. Mike Mullen ticked off the rocketing rise in the Pentagon's health spending: about $19 billion in 2000-2001, over $50 billion now, an estimated $64 billion in four or five years. One of his answers to the challenge is higher co-payments that apply to military retirees and their families (active-duty personnel don't pay health fees). The co-pays haven't been raised since 1995.
If An Agent Knocks (the Booklet)
The Center for Constitutional Rights created If an Agent Knocks to provide advice to activists likely to be targeted by FBI agents or other federal investigators. Since its original release in 1989, If an Agent Knocks has been widely circulated in progressive activist communities across the country.
Zeus Botnet Thriving Despite Arrests in the U.S., U.K.
IDG News Service - The Zeus botnet remains a robust network that is difficult to destroy despite an international sting operation that saw dozens arrested this week for allegedly stealing money from online bank accounts. Zeus is an advanced piece of malicious software that can intercept online banking details and initiate money transfers.
U.S. admits it infected Guatemalans with syphilis in 1940s
US scientists infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis in experiments conducted from 1946 to 1948 in "appalling violations" of medical ethics. They sent prostitutes infected with syphilis into a Guatemalan prison, mental health hospital and army barracks to test possible cures.
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