State Department Chose a Tea Party Critic to Explain the Tea Party to Foreign Journalists 
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The U.S. State Department recently asked a New York Times reporter who has criticized the tea party movement
to discuss the the tea party and its role in the midterm election with foreign reporters who are covering next week's contests.
Kate Zernike, who spoke at the Foreign Press Center in Washington on Friday, Oct. 22, has authored a book that is critical of the conservative grassroots movement. "Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America" was published by her own employer.
Times Books is a partnership between the New York Times and Henry Holt and Co. asked the State Department why it would choose a journalist who has criticized the tea party to “brief” foreign reporters on the movement.
A spokeswoman responded with a written statement, noting that a "long-standing goal" of the Foreign Press Centers in Washington and New York is to "deepen foreign journalists’ understanding and comprehension of the complex political, economic, and social contexts which make up American society today."
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The U.S. State Department recently asked a New York Times reporter who has criticized the tea party movement
to discuss the the tea party and its role in the midterm election with foreign reporters who are covering next week's contests.
Kate Zernike, who spoke at the Foreign Press Center in Washington on Friday, Oct. 22, has authored a book that is critical of the conservative grassroots movement. "Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America" was published by her own employer.
Times Books is a partnership between the New York Times and Henry Holt and Co. asked the State Department why it would choose a journalist who has criticized the tea party to “brief” foreign reporters on the movement.
A spokeswoman responded with a written statement, noting that a "long-standing goal" of the Foreign Press Centers in Washington and New York is to "deepen foreign journalists’ understanding and comprehension of the complex political, economic, and social contexts which make up American society today."
Report to moderator
My response:
Umm, State Dept Person, might it not make more sense to get someone who is inside the Tea Party to explain what the Tea Party represents than to use someone who is known to be anti-Tea Party? Then at least you would get an understanding from one who made the choice why they made that choice. Instead you have someone who does not understand why one would join the Tea Party. That is like putting an axe murderer in charge of making policy on the death penalty.
Now assuming that the majority of new congressmen are Tea Party members and that the Republicans take over control of the House and maybe the Senate, I am sure these foreign leaders will be all set to deal with the congressional and senate leadership. They will be right up to snuff on what to expect from these politicians who draw up foreign aid and approve treaties.
My response:
Umm, State Dept Person, might it not make more sense to get someone who is inside the Tea Party to explain what the Tea Party represents than to use someone who is known to be anti-Tea Party? Then at least you would get an understanding from one who made the choice why they made that choice. Instead you have someone who does not understand why one would join the Tea Party. That is like putting an axe murderer in charge of making policy on the death penalty.
Now assuming that the majority of new congressmen are Tea Party members and that the Republicans take over control of the House and maybe the Senate, I am sure these foreign leaders will be all set to deal with the congressional and senate leadership. They will be right up to snuff on what to expect from these politicians who draw up foreign aid and approve treaties.
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