"What can a simple man do in front of a huge fire?
He could run away, leaving to their fate the others who cannot flee or have nowhere to go. He could also stand and whine, sit and level accusations. Or he could fill the teaspoon in his hand with water, time and time again, and pour it on the flames...
The teaspoon in the simple man's hands is very small and the fire is very big. Nonetheless".-- from The Order of the Teaspoon by Amos Oz; Yedioth Ahronoth, 18 April 2002. Photos: Cevdet Kiliçlar, aid worker with the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), participating in the IHH's program to supply clean drinking water through the drilling of new wells in villages across the Sahara belt of northern Africa; Niger, 2007. ( hat tip) . Related: 1. Cevdet Kiliçlar (second left) gestures to onlookers at the quay side as the Turkish merchant vessel Mavi Marmara departs Turkey for the Gaza Strip, May 2010. (via) 2.
Cevdet Kiliçlar (camera in hand) aboard the MV Mavi Marmara as it is boarded in international waters by Israeli troops, 31 May 2010. (via) 3.
The body of Cevdet Kiliçlar, below decks on the MV Mavi Marmara, shortly after Kiliçlar was shot through the forehead by an Israeli soldier who boarded the vessel on 31 May 2010. (IHH, via) 4.
Surgeons begin work at the IHH's newest clinic, the Cevdet Kiliçlar Operating Theater, which opened in Khartoum on 21 July 2010. The facility will provide free cataract surgery to restore sight to about 5,000 Sudanese patients per year. (via)
Some 40 yeshiva students from a West Bank settlement attacked a group of eight Palestinian laborers on Thursday morning, wounding at least five of them.
Jewish students in Nahliel threw stones at the Palestinians and attacked them with clubs. The Palestinians were legally contracted to work in the West Bank settlement located west of Ramallah.
Military sources told Haaretz the Palestinians were severely beaten and that they were "almost lynched," an expression connoting an execution of defenseless victims.
The wounded Palestinians, one of them in serious condition, were evacuated to a Ramallah hospital.
-- Yeshiva students attack Palestinians, wound at least five; Ha'aretz, 17 Mar 2005.
"Lynching"As Jewish settlers become more violent in the Gaza Strip, even Israeli PM Sharon is calling yesterday's brutal attack on a Palestinian boy in Mawasi, "a barbaric, wild and heartless act."
Hilal Majidi is critical condition in the hospital after 40 settlers began attacking him after taking over a Palestinian home in the southern Gaza Strip. The settlers had nearly beaten the 18 year old to death before an Israeli journalist and cameraman pulled him away.
Israeli television broadcast images of Israeli settlers throwing stones and iron at the bloody boy while he was on the ground and an occupation soldier stood to the side and watched. Majidi tried to get up yet suddenly lost consciousness. An Israeli radio station reporter, Nisim Kanal, was an eyewitness. He reported that the Israeli soldiers prevented Palestinian ambulances and medical crews from reaching the boy. Another Israeli journalist, Itzik Saban, ran behind the soldier and pulled the injured boy away. -- Palestine News Network, 10:30 am 30.06.05 (expired link).
 I had never been a witness to attempted murder – and that is exactly what a gang of children and youth, residents of the outpost "Tal Yam" attempted on Hilal Majaida yesterday...
The youths, with an average age of 15 maybe less, don't see a problem with throwing large stones the space of a meter at the head of a young man aged 16, lying unconscious. Four or five stones missed his head.
We were a few journalists who came to his aid and rescue. We tried to distance the youths and scream to them that he is injured, that they should leave him be. They laughed, pushed, lifted and threw one more rock. In the end they struck, with one large stone, the head of the injured man. Only then did we pull ourselves together, and began to drag the injured man from there. The settler youth attacked us from the rear.
Someone alerted a paramedic; I do not know his name, though I do know he is a resident of Gush Katif. He wavered for twenty seconds on whether or not to treat Hilal, and during that time one of the attackers yelled to him: "If you treat him, we'll kill you." He turned with an embarrassed look and left. The injured man lay, blood covering his face, losing consciousness. He was brought to the hospital in Khan Yunis... -- I saw youths with murder in their eyes, I saw a paramedic abandon someone wounded; by Nir Hasson, Ha'aretz, 30 Jun 2005.
 Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz on Thursday ordered security forces to arrest those behind the attempted lynching of a Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.
Mofaz's order comes a day after a 16-year-old Palestinian was hospitalized in critical condition after being pelted by large stones thrown by right-wing extremists in Gaza.
Meretz-Yahad MK Yossi Sarid called on the security establishment to look for those behind the attack with the same intensity that went into the hunt for the Palestinians who lynched two IDF soldiers at a police station in Ramallah in October 2000. -- Mofaz orders arrest of those behind attempted Gaza lynching; Ha'aretz, 1 Jul 2005.
Photo 1: Ha'aretz, 30 Jun 2005. Photo 2: International Press Centre, 3 July 2005.
"Not A Lynching"
Via Ali Abunimah, the Turkish paper Hurriyet has posted a gallery of photos recovered from the passengers of the Mavi Marmara, the now-famous ship involved in last week's flotilla incident...
Taken together, the photos more or less definitively dispel the claim, advanced by the IDF and its media defenders, that the passengers aboard the ship were a "lynch mob" determined to kill Israeli soldiers. On the contrary, the photos show that the passengers managed to capture Israeli soldiers and escort them below deck, where they would have had more than enough opportunity to kill them had they wanted to. Far from doing so, they actually helped treat the soldiers' wounds, as shown in the photo above... The week since the Mavi Marmara incident has seen a dizzying amount of propaganda and misinformation released by the IDF and its supporters. There was the claim that the ship's passengers were "Al Qaeda mercenaries," since retracted; the claim that Mavi Marmara passengers told an Israeli navy vessel to "go back to Auschwitz," already partially retracted and seemingly on its way to a full retraction; the claims that passengers had opened fire on the IDF commandos, now dropped without a trace. As more and more details emerge, it has come to appear that the initial image of the flotilla raid was in fact the correct one: namely, that the ship's passengers acted in self-defense after coming under surprise attack, and that despite the killing of at least nine of their fellows they resisted the urge to take retribution against the commandos.
-- About That 'Lynch Mob' by Daniel Luban; Antiwar.com, 8 Jun 2010.
. P.S. While we're on the subject: Defining "Jim Crow"... 1. A 23-year-old Arab man sustained serious injuries after being attacked in Tiberias, allegedly for talking to a young Jewish woman. Police are still searching for the suspected assailant, a 19-year-old who fled the scene.
According to police, it is not yet clear whether the attack was nationalistically motivated and whether there was any connection between the suspect and the young woman.
The attack occurred on Tuesday night in a gas station in Tiberias. Superintendent Jacky Dan of Tiberias Police told Ynet that the investigation indicates that the young Arab man, who resides with his family in the city, was talking to a girl he knew prior to the assault.
The suspect arrived at the site and the two got into an argument. The suspect angrily asked on (sic) what right was the victim talking to the woman and proceeded to hit him in the head. -- 'Arab man attacked for talking to Jewish girl'; Ynet, 22 Jul 2010.
2. The conviction in Israel of a Palestinian-Israeli man on rape charges because he had consensual sex with an Israeli woman who thought he was Jewish (link, also here) is completely recognizable to anyone who knows the history of race relations in the United States as a punishment for passing. Passing was the practice of light-skinned persons with at least some African-American heritage moving in white society and concealing their African lineage...
-- Israeli Court Punishes Palestinian-Israeli for Passing; Informed Comment, 22 Jul 2010.
Posted by Lawrence of Cyberia
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