In an ideal world, one could fantasise and theorise about how life could or should be, and how one should deal with unfavourable circumstances.
But, in a world where extreme acts of violent aggression are used to exploit, dominate and subjugate, the chances of survival of the abused might be reduced to nothing, if he fails to shake off that which strangles him and threatens his very life.
The instinctive response of the oppressed -who have been massacred, humiliated and dehumanized daily, for generations, cannot possibly be equated with the aggressive and brutal attacks of the oppressor; to claim otherwise is severe deviation from justice.
Blaming and condemning both aggressed and aggressor equally; i.e. comparing the immoral actions of the criminal with the understandable reactions of the victim is morally impaired judgment.
The acts of aggression are NOT the same as the re-action of self-defence.
There is nothing more helpful or supportive to the tyrant than teaching his victim, the man who has been constantly oppressed and exploited, not to defend himself.
"Concerning non-violence: It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks" Malcolm X.
Often, the only way to sincerely help the bully is by physically stopping him from committing more crimes.
For those who condemn acts of armed resistance, worrying about causing death to mass murderers, let us not forget that every day of delay that their crimes are tolerated; every moment of postponement awaiting for the illusive awakening of conscience amongst the criminals will only cause hundreds of thousands more deaths and perhaps irremediable destruction to the whole planet.
While we assume we are protecting lives, we are in fact protecting only the lives of the criminals, and CAUSING- though indirectly- the DEATH of much much more of innocent lives! We are dealing with zionists, people with global agenda who would stop at nothing to further their plans. The damage that they have caused so far –in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan- with the use of internationally forbidden weapons has caused environmental pollution for centuries if not millennia to come. They are not only involved in genocide, but also in biocide; they are a real threat to ALL forms of life on the planet.
I have no doubt that the God of mercy, looks with tenderness, love, forgiveness and compassion at those who have been severely abused and brutalized, so much so that they are forced to react.
"Beware of the plea of the oppressed" Muhammed asserted, "for he asks God most high only for his due, and God does not keep one who has a right from receiving what is due"
Our disapproval and condemnation must only be directed towards those who initiate aggression, oppress nations, and commit genocide.
From an Islamic perspective, those who suffer the risk of annihilation and extermination were given the permission to defend themselves (but NEVER to initiate aggression).
"To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight back), because they are wronged; and verily, God is most powerful for their aid; Qur'an (22:39-40)
How could we condemn or pass a moral judgment on those who are being abused when they try to save their lives by pushing their abuser away?
Who are we to deny those who are burning under tonnes of blazing missiles their basic human right to fight for their survival?
Who are we to judge their re-actions or intentions, as they suffocate under deluge of white phosphorus and depleted uranium?
Who are we to moralise with them as they pick up the limbs of their babies and loved ones?
Did we not know that
A man
With a knife against his throat
Has the right
To push His butcher away!!
If a thief comes to your home, kills some of your children, kicks some of them out, and locks you in the basement for sixty years, while heaving havoc in your house and garden
Attempting to get some attention of neighbours, you try to make some noise in the basement, and you throw some fire works out.
Your neighbours come to see what's happening, but they make it clear to you that you must stop your "acts of violence" before they can begin to help, then they declare that the only solution is to peacefully protest, and to try to negotiate with the murderer thief.
However the thief refuses to talk to you because you are a cause of "insecurity" to him, your looks and manners are "unpleasant" and your words are "insensitive to his feelings" as they "disturb his peace".
Finally the police intervene, but only to arm the thief to his teeth and send forces to protect him! For his "security" is of utmost importance!
After enormous efforts they manage to persuade him to talk to you.
At long last the thief agrees to talk to you, but he comes with a list of pre-conditions and demands, including:
No talks about your children, who've been kicked out
No talks about any room in the house
No talks about the torture of your kidnapped children
No talks about allowing you to use the bathroom upstairs
No talks about his eternal possession of your house keys
No talks about which corner of the basement he might give you
Furthermore, he demands that you respect the facts on the grounds, and should never ask to resolve the injustice by going back to how things were when he first moved in 60 years ago.
Not only that, he demands also that you accept his "divine" right to stay in your house forever, and his right to control your water supply, electricity, food, and movement.
Then to add the icing on the cake, you are not supposed to complain or even mention your hurt and pain.
You must only be grateful, that the murderer thief would humble himself and talk to you!
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I am intrigued to find out what would YOU do if you were in that bizarre situation?
Would you accept sharing your house with the thief and live in the basement?
If you say you do, I would like to see you openly inviting some zionists who colonised our stolen farm to come and share your house with you, and if they come fully armed I hope you don't mind, and that you accept them graciously.
If those who -from the comfort and safety of their homes- condemn the desperate Palestinians for their extreme reactions to extreme situations would live by their word and do exactly what they want the Palestinians to do; i.e. offer their homes to the zionists, that would be a breakthrough to solving our problem.
All we need then is few millions to do this ultimate act of sacrifice by being a living archetype, in fact that could be an innovative approach for a peaceful solution and a good lesson for us all.
We humans find it easy to moralise and pass judgements, but could we live by what we preach?
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The ultimate challenge
I confess, we Palestinians
Don't posses
Your excellent qualities
We lack so much compassion
And generosity
Unlike us, you profess
Lofty principles
And superior morality
Deep rooted ethics
And love of humanity
Invite the Zionists home
Give it all away
Teach us altruism
And live in a camp
Be our model
In self-sacrifice
Live as a refugee
Give them your land
And if they want more
Try to understand
If they kill your wife
Offer them your child
If they shoot your eye
Tell them you don't mind
For the sake of peace
You'd become blind
You've always been thoughtful
Selfless, loving and kind
As for killing innocent people, here are some thoughts:
As Muslims, we are advised NOT to allow our pain and outrage against the aggression, horrors and crimes to deviate us from justice and ethics.
"O ye who believe! be steadfast firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, Let not a group's hostility to you cause you to deviate from justice. Be just, for it is closer to piety. Be God conscious; for God is well aware of what you do." (Qur'an; 5-8 )
Qur'anic principles forbid followers of Islam against killing innocent people who are not actively involved in war, Muslims are prohibited from even cutting trees, demolishing homes and houses of worship, or causing damage to nature or environment.
"No soul shall be made to bear the liability of another." (35:18 )
In the zionist entity, children are the only civilians, every adult man and woman MUST serve in the army for 2-3 years, and they stay in the reserve until they retire. "Israel" is not a state with an army; it is an army with a state.
Hamas, as an Islamic Resistance Movement, theoretically and principally adheres to those principles, and respects them; however, the human factor, the incessant devastation, the constant trauma caused by chronic brutality and the never-ending killing of Palestinian children infuriates the most calm person and thrusts the most sane into outrage.
Despite all this, Hamas in no way does justify the killing of innocent children:
Hamas: Rocket attacks not aimed at Israeli women, children
"Gaza - The Islamic Hamas movement on Saturday denied targeting Israeli children and women with rocket fire from the Gaza Strip."
"Hamas doesn't mean to kill children with its rockets," spokesman Ismail Radwan told reporters in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip in response to a statement made by al-Qaida's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who said Hamas' random rockets kill women and children in violation of Islamic law.
Radwan added that "the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may involve some killing of children," accusing the Israeli army of "deliberately killing children, women and destroying houses and mosques."
"We are freedom fighters, not gangs," a senior Hamas official in Gaza told the AP. "Women and children are not a target for Hamas. They have never been a target and they will never be our target despite the daily killing of our women and children by Israel in cold blood."
Hamas: rocket attacks not meant to kill Israeli children
Enough to look at the figures to see who is really targeting children:
124 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,441 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.
Hamas has offered cease fire many times, Hamas has offered the ending of killing civilians on both sides, this was incessantly rejected and ignored by the warmongers of zion.
Hamas offers to renew cease-fire with Israel
Friday, June 16, 2006
Israel rejects Gaza cease-fire offer
Sep 21, 2007
Ehud Olmert rejects Hamas' offer of cease-fire in Gaza Strip
Olmert rejects Hamas cease-fire offer
Tue., December 25, 2007
April 25, 2008
Israel rejects Hamas cease-fire offer as humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza
Fri Apr 25 08
Now, let us talk about Jihad
The zionist-controlled media has hijacked our language, and vocabulary and disfigured our religion.
They drilled in people's heads that jihad is a bad word that means killing or holy war, when the truth is the contrary:
Jihad is an Arabic word that means the endeavour to do your best to make this world a better one:
Any effort to help achieve that is called jihad, or struggle, going to school to learn is a form of jihad, being a mother rearing children is jihad, spreading knowledge through teaching or writing is jihad, treating patients is jihad, looking after sick parents is jihad, also defending yourself when attacked is jihad, and struggling against oppression is jihad.
Any action that one undertakes in order to bring good to mankind is jihad
Life with all its ups and downs is jihad (struggle)
The highest form of Jihad, however, is the inner Jihad, which is the Major Jihad that means the never ending inner struggle against one's own arrogance, greed, and selfishness in order to achieve the Generous Temperaments.
Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, declared "Verily I was sent to this World to define (and live by) the Generous Temperament."
According to him, the codes of Generous Temperament (makarem elakhlaq) are seven:
"Pardoning those who have oppressed you
Giving to those who have deprived you
Connecting with those who have shunned you
Benefiting those who have abused you
Counselling those who have deceived you
Forgiving those who have maligned you
Forbearing with those who have angered you."
How misleading and dishonest is the translation and misconception of jihad as a holy war then!
contrary to common beliefs, the concept of holy war does NOT exist in Islam; it is a European concept from the days of the crusaders, and has absolutely no equivalent in Islam, it does however in the minds of the new crusaders as it seems from the video clip we've seen, and in the sick minds of those who invaded our lands and murdered our people.
When translated holy war is "Harb Muqaddassah" which is an unheard of words and concept!
A perception unknown!! and a word that is NEVER used in our written or spoken language!!
By writing this, all I am doing is reclaiming my language back.
Of war and peace:
Of course, as mentioned earlier, Jihad could also mean defending yourself when attacked, and struggling against oppression.
But here, the general rule is:
Fighting is never justified EXCEPT in cases of self-defence against Aggression (odwan), or resistance of oppression and Persecution (fitnah).
The Qur'an is explicit in its support for justice, human dignity and the right of self defence
'You may fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not initiate aggression. God does not love transgressors.' (2.190)
"O ye who believe! be steadfast firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, Let not a group's hostility against you cause you to deviate from justice. Be just, for it is closer to piety. Be God conscious; for God is Well Aware of what you do." (Quran; 5-8 )
"To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight back), because they are wronged; and verily, God is most powerful for their aid; (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,-(for no cause) except that they say, our Lord is God". (22:39-40)
"God commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and antagonism: He advices you, that ye may be reminded." (16-90)
"No soul shall be made to bear the liability of another." (35:18 )
"But show them forgiveness, and say "Peace!" and soon shall they know!" (43; 89)
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God". (42:40)
'If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things.' (8.61)
"But God does call to the Home of Peace" (10-25)
"Ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the desires (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. Thus, have We made of you a nation justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves" (2-143)
"Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant." (7:199)
"It may well be that God will bring about love (and friendship) between you and those with whom you are now at odds." (60:7)
"Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel evil with what is best: if you do so, he who is your enemy will become a close friend." (41.34)
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