Sunday, June 27, 2010

Socialism without taxation!


I was more pissed off than a Libertarian who didn't receive his IRS
tax refund in the mail.
Ever since the 16 amendment was ratified by Congress in 1913, the
nation has been engulfed by lamentations from the right wing about
taxation. That 's been the selling point of the Republican party for
years. And the Libertarian Party, but who gives a loving shit about
them. The critics from the right of late, sing in chorus about
whiners who cry about victimization. They make claims that minorities
have nothing to complain about anymore. Everything is just pee chee
king. However, comes april 15, the right transform into that whiny
victim that they decry. You want to hand them a handkerchief to dry
their eyes out. That very handkercheif was produced in a sweat shop
in Honduas by 13 year old kids. But whoa Neally ! The real problem
is that state & Federal tax on that hanky. NOT ! Next to the gun
issue, right to life issue, and prayer in the schools, the right has
nothing to bitch about. Take away their big tax issue, the right is
impotent as a 75 year old White Fundamentalist Christain Male. Yeah,
their Anti-goverment allright, Libral goverment that is. They want
their goverment to replace it. If they were Anti-goverment, they'd
be Anarchists. Yeah they talk about goverment interference in the
free Market. You bet your goverment contract that these poor innocent
Corporate conglomerates aint gonna shead no tears, when the local
Health department makes Josè
fish taco joint put up signs in the bathroom "wash your hands after
taking a dump". Don't fool your self, Capitalists and Goverment are
the best of friends. It's give and take relationship. You build a
handicap ramp and we'll give a big fat subsidy. Don't let no
Conservative tell you likewise. But this taxation fixation, holy
crud ! You'd think all your money goes to some gangbanger in
Compton, who buys crack with food stamps. Not really ! Or your tax
money is going to some demented artist pissing on a canvass, then
some curator hangs it up on a museum wall. Please. Very little money
goes to social services or the arts. A chunk of it goes to the
maintenance of the parks and roads. The biggest hunk, goes to the
military. You know ? we got to maintain them nuclear missiles in
them silos. And you got to give 4 star generals free pool cleanings
and back rubs.

The only way to cease this constant whining about Taxes,
is to abolish it. Repeal the 13 Amendment. Progressive taxation is
just aint gonna cut it. What should be establish is a voluntary Tax.
Sort of a donation to a charity. The donors & beneficiaries would be
issued Social Services cards. These cards would entitle the card
holder to benefits like welfare, Unemployment accounts, free housing,
food, clothing, Education, and Free Medical treatment. To create
a voluntary system would be more a incentive for giving. Just
remember, those who help in the time of need, will be helped in their
time of need.

As it stands now, what we got is a political Dysteleology.
Which means...Socialism for the rich, and Capitalism for the poor.
It's time for a reversal.

These are just idea's and concepts for you to contemplate.
There are no more new ideas in the world anymore. It's just a planet
keeping old ieas on a life support system. Time to pull the plug.

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