| Book Forum Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz Wednesday, September 1, Noon |  | Featuring the author Richard Immerman, Professor of History and Marvin Wachman Director, Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy, Temple University; Robert Kagan, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and Derek Leebaert, Partner, MAP AG; moderated by Christopher A. Preble, Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute About the event - In his new book, Richard Immerman tells the stories of six men who influenced the course of American empire: Benjamin Franklin, John Quincy Adams, William Henry Seward, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Foster Dulles, and Paul Wolfowitz. Immerman shows how each individual's influence arose from a keen sensitivity to the concerns of his times, and how these individuals shaped their rhetoric about liberty to suit their needs. Registration for this event will close at Noon today. Walk-ins will still be accepted.
 | |  | | Book Forum The Service Revolution in South Asia Wednesday, September 8, Noon |  | Featuring the editor and chief author Ejaz Ghani, Economic Advisor, South Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, World Bank; with comments by Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar, Research Fellow, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute; moderated by Daniel Griswold, Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute About the event - South Asia, especially India, has attracted global attention because of its success in service exports. Challenging the "iron law" of development that industrialization is the only route to rapid growth, Ejaz Ghani explores the revolutionary opportunities that the globalization of services opens up for developing countries. Swami Aiyar will question how deep the service revolution is, and whether it can be replicated widely.
 | |  | | Book Forum Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto Tuesday, September 14, Noon |  | Featuring Dick Armey, Chairman, FreedomWorks; and Matt Kibbe, President and CEO, FreedomWorks; moderated by Roger Pilon, Vice President for Legal Affairs, Cato Institute About the event - Nothing has so changed and energized American politics in recent years as has the grassroots Tea Party movement that sprang up in 2009. Establishment Democrats and Republicans haven't known quite what to make of the movement. To help them, and all Americans, understand, Give Us Liberty provides "an intimate history of the movement" and what it means for America.
 | |  | | Symposium The Supreme Court: Past and Prologue A Look at the October 2009 and October 2010 Terms
To celebrate Constitution Day and the publication of the ninth volume of the annual Cato Supreme Court Review.
Thursday, September 16 10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
|  | Featuring the Annual B. Kenneth Simon Lecture, "Obligationists and Opportunists: Two Critically Different Visions of 'The' Judicial Role" presented by William Van Alstyne, Lee Professor of Law, William & Mary Law School For full conference details and schedule, please visit http://www.cato.org/constitutionday Registration fee is $50
 | |  | | Book Forum The Right to Earn a Living How Government Stifles Initiative and Harms Economic Growth Monday, September 20, Noon |  | Featuring the author Timothy Sandefur, Principal Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation; David E. Bernstein, Foundation Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law; and Clark Neily, Senior Attorney, Institute for Justice; moderated by Roger Pilon, Vice President for Legal Affairs, Cato Institute About the event - The right to earn a living and enjoy the fruits of one's labor is a fundamental human right, guaranteed by the Constitution, but government intrudes on this right in countless ways. In his new book, The Right to Earn A Living, Tim Sandefur details the fascinating history of the Constitution's protections for economic freedom, and describes some of the remarkable cases where he defended entrepreneurs from intrusive government.
 | |  | | Policy Forum Recording the Police: Is Citizen Journalism against the Law? Wednesday, September 22, Noon |  | Featuring Neill Franklin, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; Joseph I. Cassilly, State's Attorney, Harford County, Maryland; and David Rittgers, Legal Policy Analyst, Cato Institute; moderated by Tim Lynch, Director, Project on Criminal Justice, Cato Institute About the event - Should it be illegal to record the police? Several high-profile cases of police brutality have been exposed by citizens who recorded police actions with cell phones. Yet some state wiretapping laws, written before the age of ubiquitous recording devices, prohibit recording these events. Does the First Amendment protect citizen journalism, or do police agents have a right to privacy while performing public duties?
 | |  | | Book Forum The Case for Business in Developing Economies Tuesday, September 28, Noon |  | Featuring the author Ann Bernstein, Founding Director, Centre for Development and Enterprise (Johannesburg, South Africa); with comments by Clive Crook, Senior Editor, The Atlantic; moderated by Ian Vásquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute About the event - Business is regularly portrayed in public discourse as morally deficient and prone to despoil the environment, undermine democracy, and stunt development. Ann Bernstein will explain why such ill-founded views are especially harmful to the world's poor. She calls on business leaders to stand up for themselves and defend their role as the powerful instruments of progress, innovation, and development that they are.
 | |  | | Book Forum You Know I'm Right: More Prosperity, Less Government Thursday, October 7, Noon |  | Featuring the author Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Anchor and reporter, CNBC and Dan Mitchell, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute About the event - In her new book, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera uses her exceptional business and news experience in partnership with her commitment to fiscal conservatism, limited government, and personal responsibility to analyze a wide range of critical issues. At each step she urges reducing the size and role of government in our lives and the economy.
 | |  | | Conference 28th Annual Monetary Conference Asset Bubbles and Monetary Policy Thursday, November 18 9:00 a.m. – 6:15 p.m.
| | | Can/should the Fed prevent asset bubbles? What are the limits of monetary policy and financial regulation? What have we learned from the housing/credit bubble? How would alternative monetary regimes deal with asset bubbles? Please join our distinguished speakers on Thursday, November 18 to discuss these and related issues in the search for sound money. Speakers Include Charles Plosser, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Manuel Sánchez, Vice Governor, Banco de México Carmen M. Reinhart, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland George S. Tavlas, Director-General, Bank of Greece Jerry L. Jordan, Former President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland For full conference details and schedule please visit www.cato.org/monetary Registration Fee (by October 18) Nonprofit or Academic: $100 Individual or Corporate: $195  | |  | | | In addition to the events listed here, the Cato Institute also hosts numerous events on Capitol Hill. For a complete listing of these events, please visit the main events page. To register for any event, please click here, call 202.789.5229, or reply to this email. | | | | |  | | |  | Celebrate Constitution Day | What better way to celebrate Constitution Day? Spread the message of liberty to your friends and family with the acclaimed Cato pocket-sized edition of our country's founding documents. Special Offer—10 for $10! And join us on Thursday, September 16th for our Annual Constitution Day Symposium, celebrating Constitution Day and the publication of the ninth volume of the annual Cato Supreme Court Review.  | |