Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Mentality of Some Conservatives

The Mentality of Some Conservatives
Posted by Laurence Vance on August 29, 2012 12:53 PM

I was sent a book to review called A Charter of Negative Liberties. I have looked through it. It is a boring, worthless book. I don't recommend it. However, I want to quote two short passages from it that show the mentality of some conservatives:

The Obama administration is gutting our defense, weakening our ability to defend ourselves, annihilating our air force, and is actually determining to cut our nuclear program to three hundred warheads.
There are an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, including an estimated 130 million radicals who want to see America and every American dead.

No wonder the author praises Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck in his "acknowledgments." As anyone knows who has looked at Obama's military budget proposals, this is nonsense. I don't doubt that there are many Muslims in the world who want to see America and every American dead. Are there 130 million? Doubtful. And more importantly, why do they feel this way? How would you feel about another country and its people if its military invaded and occupied the United States?

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