Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Attacks continue in Que. student strike | Canada | News | Ottawa Sun

Hi all
I'm sending the link instead of copying and pasting because of the video that is worth seeing.
Any of you with kids or grand kids in a U.S. university will laugh at these spoiled brats. With the tuition hike the fees are still less than $4,000 a year. And there are lots of other subsidies that they get.
This is causing a lot of talk here in the Great White North. As we have a wealth redistribution system call Equalization grants. Which basically takes money for successful provinces and gives it to the basket cases. With predictable results. Alberta is a booming oil producing province and it sends Quebec app.. $5.400 for every man woman and child in Alberta. So, the Quebec government has lots of money to spoil it's citizens. With things like cheap university fees and $7.00 a day daycare. Yup it only cost a parent $7.00 a day to have all day daycare for their kids.
As a result the citizens have become a spoiled and pampered lot. And the people of Alberta are getting kind of pissed off. There is an election going on in Alberta right now. and transfer payments are a big issue.
Note that flags these punks are carrying. It's not surprising considering what they are taught in schools. My niece just graduated. And she would email me regularly with all the nonsense that she heard from some of her profs.

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