Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Re: Their Dirty Secret

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Tate

Dear Bruce,

"Be a good little voter and do what we say."

That's the message the national media and the Washington, D.C. political establishment are sending out all across America in an outright PANIC.

They're afraid, for once, that they won't get their way. 

So they've launched an all-out SMEAR campaign on Ron Paul in an effort to destroy his candidacy and pave the way for their own counterfeit conservative, Mitt Romney.

Can I count on you to make your most generous donation to help Ron Paul FIGHT back against the establishment smears?

With the December 31 fundraising deadline fast approaching, the national media is going to be looking long and hard at Dr. Paul's financial reports.

But, even besides that - with the attacks coming fast and furious - you and I need to raise another $2 million to be able to keep taking Ron Paul's liberty message straight to the voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and the other early states.

You see, the establishment's preference has been clear from the beginning.

A Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama face off is a dream-come-true for those who want to keep the Big Government, big spending status quo in Washington, D.C.

Both have made talking out of both sides of their mouth a virtual art form.

Both agreed on the outrageous $700 BILLION TARP bailout. 

Both support individual mandates and have crafted strikingly similar Big Government health care schemes - "RomneyCare" and "ObamaCare." 

Both have cozied up to the radical "global warming" crowd.

Both support outrageously expensive "stimulus" packages and the utopian trillion-dollar nation-building schemes that are bankrupting our country.

That's why Republican voters have been desperately searching for a candidate who can take on and defeat BOTH establishment darlings Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

But as each new candidate begins creeping upwards in the polls, voters soon learn the harsh truth - their records and their rhetoric just don't match.

Counterfeit conservative Newt Gingrich is just the latest example.

Once voters learned of his support for the individual mandate, the $1.6 MILLION he took from Freddie Mac to keep the housing bubble expanding, his support of TARP, the bailouts, and the job-destroying "Global Warming" agenda, his surge suddenly stopped.

Now, the establishment's biggest fear is coming true - Ron Paul is rising in the polls.

But the difference is, unlike EVERY ONE of his Republican opponents, Ron Paul has an over 30-year track record of defending the Constitution, even when it meant standing alone.

So here's the dirty little secret the establishment doesn't want folks to know.

Ron Paul has been a thorn in their side during his entire time in Congress.

And they know a Ron Paul presidency will bring the establishment to their knees and halt the outrageous spending, the bailouts, the cronyism, and the constant assaults on our liberties.

So there's an all-out showdown with the Washington, D.C. establishment going on right now. 

What's currently happening is just the first taste.  It's only going to get worse.

The establishment is coming after Ron Paul with everything they have.

For our country's sake, you and I must take them head-on and WIN.

That's exactly what Ron Paul is determined to do.

We knew this was coming.  And we're ready for anything they throw at us.  But we need the funds to continue fighting back.

The December 31 Year-End Fundraising Deadline is fast approaching.

Then comes Iowa.  Then New Hampshire.

To put it simply, Ron Paul must raise another $2 million to FIGHT the establishment smears before the quarter is up.

So please, help ensure Ron Paul has the funds to make the establishment's worst nightmare come true with a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

Together, you and I can elect Ron Paul and Restore America Now!

For Liberty,

John Tate
Campaign Manager

P.S.  The Republican establishment and the national media are scared to death of the recent Ron Paul surge - and they are doing everything they can to make establishment darling Mitt Romney the next Republican nominee.

That's why they're coming after Ron Paul with guns blazing - and we must have the funds to fight back and continue taking Dr. Paul's message directly to voters in the early states.

So please, help Ron Paul raise $2 million before the December 31 Year-End Fundraising Deadline so he can FIGHT the establishment smears.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

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