Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ø Tea Partiers follow the saying: Government can only do certain

Ø Liberals follow the saying: Only government can do certain

Ø Revenue enhancement is the number one reason for traffic
management. Safety is somewhere down the list.

Ø Lawyers receive compensation whether they win or lose

Ø It is a felony for a citizen to lie to the government.

Ø It is perfectly acceptable for a politician to lie to their

Ø Any law that includes a derivative of the word "Intent" should
be illegal.

Ø Every government needs additional revenue

Ø Government spending will never decrease.

Ø The Congressional budget office has never been correct

Ø Beware of any politician who claims their job is to create

Ø The only thing protected by FINRA is FINRA

Ø When you pass a highway construction site ninety percent of the
workers will be doing something other than work.

Ø Information is not as important as using the correct form

Ø HOV lanes cause additional pollution and waste gas.

Ø Never vote for a politician who has yet to hold a job in the
private sector

Ø Politicians always leave office with more wealth than upon

Ø If the government had never gotten involved in health insurance
regulation there would be no need for health insurance regulation

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