Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Re: The tea party is so over! The Koch brothers will move to Germany!

On Jul 10, 1:06 pm, Less Lee <not4ud...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> FOX news ratings keep dropping

are you sure?

>and their owner is neck deep in a major
> scandal.

more like toenail deep

> This is no longer 2010 when American voters decided to give
> Republicans a chance out of frustration over the economy.

No, it's 2011, and you better hold on because it might get worse from
your perspective

> Republicans got that chance and they blew it badly.

It isn't over yet

>Newly elected
> Republican Governors are fighting it out to see who can lose the most
> voter approval polling points each month, while recall petitions
> blossom for them and their legislative stooges.

We shall see if you are right the next election OK?

>There isn't a single
> Republican Presidential candidate to the left of loony who is
> generating any grass roots Republican enthusiasm.

It is still early, but I will grant you it is scattered enthusiasm at

> Republicans took power in the House of Representatives over the issue
> of lost jobs,

Not just lost jobs, but debt too, among other things Debt is
something you don't mention and probably don't care about. You just
want your "free" stuff

> then promptly ignored the economy to focus on "social
> values" issues and their crusade to strangle government.

Strangling the government is good.

>That included
> fumbling Republican assaults on two of the most admired government
> programs in the country, Social Security and Medicare.

Admired by you, and other people who want free stuff at any cost.

>Meanwhile Republicans continued to hitch their wagon to homophobic outrage while
> a sea change took place among the electorate in favor of gay
> marriages.

>personally, that is why I am not a Republican, too much meddling in social and religious stuff

>With unemployment stuck at extremely painful high levels,
> the Republican response boiled down to eliminating the jobs of public
> workers.

Doesn't boil down to that at all, but public jobs don't make money,
they only cost money

>The only group of voters who want the national debate to
> focus on cutting the deficit rather than adding jobs are tea party
> fanatics who keep shrinking in numbers and loosing support from the
> public every week.

You need to check your numbers and sources.

> So how on Earth, with Democrats perfectly positioned to cash in on the
> electorates buyers remorse over having voted in Republicans last time,
> after the electorate has vehemently rejected Republican plans to
> "reform" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and with Americans
> clearly demanding more jobs, rather than more belt tightening, how on
> earth did we end up in this place?

Because of people who think like you

> Why is a Democratic Party President agreeing with the increasingly
> marginalized Right that deficit reduction is the central debate in
> America,

Because it is, and it should be!

> with trillions of dollars of spending cuts now one of his
> highest priorities?

Yes! What part of "in massive debt" do you not understand? I know,
you don't care. Your solution is just to take more money from the
people who earn it

> And why the hell did he put Social Security,
> Medicaid and Medicare back on the table to face cuts when the public
> emphatically wants those benefits preserved?

Because it is the elephant in the room. Your free stuff costs too

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