Friday, April 1, 2011

Re: Why in the world would the NYT print this story - why not just point a finger at the CIA agents and tell the Libyans there they are

    Note that the president has issued a secret finding - authorize the CIA - clandestine effort.  What part of that tells us that the president wants this broadcast to the world.  Note the word secret, CIA, clandestine.  Which of those words do you not understand.  Sounds like the WaPo also does not give a damn about our men in harms way and our agents who are trying to operate clandestinely.  If so, then why would the WaPo publish this just as why would the NYT publish this.

What I find with the MSM is that they have no morals or ethics at all.  We were able to find out about the money transfers that permitted Al Qaeda to buy weapons and ammunition and transfer funds to those they were buying off because we could listen in on their cell phones.  What does the MSM do?  It tells Al Qaeda that we are listening in on their cell phones and that they should buy one time use and then get a new phone. 

Then we are able to track the transfer of funds because we could, with the approval of the owners of the SWIFT Messaging System, find out how the money is being transferred and to whom.  What does the MSM do?  They tell Al Qaeda that we are tracing what money they are moving using SWIFT so Al Qaeda then starts using other means. 

And now we are involved in another war (or semblance of war) and we are trying to find out about the rebels and also transmitting directions to those flying the planes over Libya and we have out super-secret CIA involved in clandestine operations.  What does the MSM do yet again?  You got it.  They report on the front page in headlines that we have CIA agents operating in Libya and treating with the rebels.  As I said elsewhere why not just print the photos, appropriately enlarged, with arrows pointing at the CIA agents and identifying them and where they are located.  Only thing they did not do.

I find this totally disgusting.  At one time I was involved with the briefings and intelligence and operational planning based on what we were able to find out using our agents and friends.  Printing what was going on then would have resulted in the deaths of many people.  I don't think that part of the issue has changed at all.  These stories can result in the deaths of many people.  In fact I would wager that many of the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan were the result of the stories that the MSM printed.

On 03/31/2011 11:31 PM, Jonathan Ashley wrote:
The White House has not been trying to hide this. "...officials said Wednesday that President Obama has issued a secret finding that would authorize the CIA to carry out a clandestine effort to provide arms and other support to Libyan opposition groups."

On 03/31/2011 08:22 PM, dick thompson wrote:


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