Saturday, April 2, 2011

Re: Traitor Bradley Manning threatened stepmother w/ a knife


1) I expected better of you. Declaring something exists is not factual evidence of its existence. If I tell you that little gray men abducted me yesterday while I was at the local Piggly Wiggly does that prove the existence of little gray men?

I once had a traffic ticket dismissed because the judge declared the prosecution's witness (the "law enforcement officer" who claimed I was speeding on a road in the State of Texas) incompetent to testify when I asked the officer the following questions:
  • Is it your contention that I was within the State of Texas on September 21, 1999?
  • Yes!
  • Is it your contention that I was driving a vehicle within the State of Texas on September 21, 1999?
  • Yes!
  • Is it your contention that I was speeding within the State of Texas on September 21, 1999?
  • Yes!
  • Officer, what is a state?
Both the judge (who we are indoctrinated to believe is supposed to be an impartial juror) and the prosecutor both went hysterical. They did not want the officer answering that question.

2) While you are entitled to believe that "Manning betrayed his country by orchestrating the greatest leak of classified intelligence in U.S. history," there are those who believe an act of moral conscious makes for a far better patriot than one who would blindly follow the "my country, right or wrong" mentality that perpetuates ongoing warmongering by an elite few for their own benefit.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Keith In Köln <> wrote:

Hello Greg, Mark MJ & Jonathan!


Without going in and researching this, I don't think that there is any question that the United States, as a corporation (e.g; a corporate body, or corporate politic) does in fact exist. As a Nation-State; and as Mark pointed out yesterday, the United States is sovereign, in and of itself.


Assange has arrogantly admitted to disseminating classified information through his entity, "Wiki-Leaks". Bradley Manning, According to his online chats, stated that he was in "an awkward place" both "emotionally and psychologically." So in a snit, Manning betrayed his country by orchestrating the greatest leak of classified intelligence in U.S. history.


It is in violation of our laws to retain, disseminate, or disclose classified information of the United States. Assange and his attorneys were warned of this before Assange chose to violate 18 U.S.C. § 793 et.seq. (See §§ 793, 794 and 798 in particular). Isn't that in the Army Code of Conduct? You must follow orders at all times. Exceptions will be made for servicemen in an awkward place. Now, who wants a hug? Waitress! Three more apple-tinis!"


According to The New York Times, Bradley sought "moral support" from his "self-described drag queen" boyfriend. Alas, he still felt out of sorts. So why not sell out his country?


In an online chat with a computer hacker, Bradley said he lifted the hundreds of thousands of classified documents by pretending to be listening to a CD labeled "Lady Gaga." Then he acted as if he were singing along with her hit song "Telephone" while frantically downloading classified documents.


Where is Lil'TommyTomTomForNews? Surely he can remind us once again why it was so important to shit-can "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Jonathan Ashley <> wrote:
I am making this challenge precisely because you are a lawyer. Can you factually prove that the United States of America actually exists?
You cannot hear it, see it, smell it, touch it, or taste it. Its alleged boundaries are not visible from any un-doctored image from space I have ever seen.
Sure the statists who pretend they represent the interests of the United States of America (members of Congress, the President, and the far too many bozos appointed to government positions by the bozo-in-chief) can be heard incessantly, seen far too often, smelled (if you should venture too close to them), touched (not sure why anyone would desire to do so), and (for those with no discernment and who are so inclined) tasted. The United States of America fails every sensory test.
So how can you prove anything "belonged to the United States"?
Even if one were to assume anything published by Wikileaks originally belonged to the United States government, you - being a lawyer - should know that U.S. federal government works are not eligible for copyright protection (17 USC 105). So, how can anyone be found guilty of publishing that which upon its creation is in the public domain?
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