Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I wish I understood what this whole thing is all about

From what I have seen of what the FCC has been up to lately I would
prefer they stay out of regulation of the net as much as possible. What
does the legislation called net neutrality actually do. It seems as if
nobody really knows for sure. Each time I read about this and the
comments, the description of what net neutrality actually is is
something the commenters just can't seem to agree on. This one says it
means thus and so and the next person says it means something totally
different. What actually is this whole legislation about. I would like
to have someone who can actually figure out what it is explain it so
that those of us who are currently lost on the issue can come to some
sort of opinion as to whether to support it or not. Since the FCC wants
to do it I would tend not to support it on general principles as the
current FCC is not too high up on my most favored list.


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