Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Never Let A Gang Rape Go to Waste?

Never Let A Gang Rape Go to Waste?

Posted By Jenn Q. Public On March 13, 2011

In 1989, a jogger was beaten, raped, and left for dead in New York City's Central Park.  When she arrived at the courthouse to testify, a swarm of protesters led by Al Sharpton greeted her with shouts of "whore!" and "drug addict!"

She was just a rape victim, an acceptable casualty of Sharpton's beloved race warfare.

"It's typical of the left to make a convicted rapist a hero," Susan Brownmiller told an interviewer in 1975.  The feminist author was referring to the Left's embrace of Eldridge Cleaver, the 1960s Black Panther radical who called his rape of white women "an insurrectionary act."

And so it is decades later in Cleveland, Texas.

An 11-year-old girl suffered a brutal gang rape that began in the bedroom and bathroom of a house and ended in a filthy abandoned trailer strewn with garbage and debris. Police say the assailants forced the child to remove her clothes under threat of violence and raped her while filming the prolonged attack with a camera phone.

The child's vaginal injuries were so severe that she told a forensic interviewer "investigators might find blood at one of the locations as proof." A reporter who read the search warrant affidavit described the details as "too obscene to repeat."

At least 18 men and boys were arrested, and up to 10 more suspects may be charged in the coming days. The victim is Hispanic and all of the accused are black.

Like a vulture circling carrion, New Black Panther Party leader Quanell X swooped down on the small East Texas town to devour the remains of an 11-year-old child's innocence. The soulless race hustler attracted a standing-room-only crowd to an event in support of the accused attackers. He called his victim blaming, race baiting hate rally "What's The Real Truth Behind The Rape Allegations?"

"I did not come here this evening to jump on an 11-year-old girl," he insisted during remarks that questioned "why she didn't report the attack to authorities herself." The rally was packed with supporters of the accused men who "blamed the girl for the way she dressed or claimed she must have lied about her age." A revolting article in the March 9th edition of the New York Times chronicled similar victim blaming by local residents who said the girl "dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s." And a defense attorney for several of the men told a Houston Chronicle reporter that the child was "seeking attention" and "wants to be a porn star."

Is this the best Cleveland, Texas has to offer a vulnerable young girl violated by a gang of local men?

Before Quanell X descended on the town of Cleveland, residents were experiencing heightened racial tensions due to the possible recall of three black city council members. The opportunistic, exploitative stench of his agenda belched forth from the rally Thursday night as he encouraged the community's despicable, unconscionable questions about the 11-year-old victim's culpability. In a move carefully orchestrated to cultivate a toxic atmosphere of doubt and blame, he "even went so far as to show reporters a scantily clad photo of her posted on Facebook."

Further victimization of an 11-year-old rape survivor means nothing to Quanell X. She's collateral damage, a civilian casualty in his endless quest to recruit violent criminals and their sympathizers as foot soldiers in his race war. "'She lives in another community,' Quanell X told the gathering. 'You mean to tell me the only men that had sex with that girl were black men, locked up in that jail?'" Proclaiming the innocence of some of those arrested, he took up a collection for their defense and attempted to whip the crowd into a frothy mix of racial resentment and hatred. "We do not want someone with a malicious racist motive to rid your community of an entire generation of black men," he said.

From victim shaming and race baiting fabrications to politically motivated rape jokes, exaggerated statistics, and vicious smear campaigns, rape has long been an acceptable political weapon in the professional Left's arsenal.  Victims of rape, the wrongly accused, and the damaged and disturbed people who make false allegations are all completely dispensable in the service of illuminating some larger "truth" about American imperialism or social injustice.

The horrendous false allegations of gang rape made by Tawana Brawley and Crystal Gail Mangum proved just as useful to the political Left.   Their tales of racially motivated sexual violence were carefully manipulated to advance a disturbing narrative of racial hatred–truth and justice be damned. Both women were fashioned into political dodge balls and lobbed repeatedly at the Left's targets until, worn and battered, they found themselves discarded unceremoniously in the nearest gutter.

And now, that gutter is where an 11-year-old  Texas girl finds herself, abandoned by the feminists who spoke out about her rape but are now appallingly silent about her savaging by a prominent black activist and his depraved disciples.

Article printed from NewsReal Blog: http://www.newsrealblog.com

URL to article: http://www.newsrealblog.com/2011/03/13/never-let-a-gang-rape-go-to-waste/



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