Saturday, February 5, 2011

Re: Go Down, Pharaoh

On Feb 4, 12:41 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Go Down, PharaohEgypt's president may be on his way out but will this be a full-fledged revolution or a palace coup?Jesse Walker| February 4, 2011
> What a pathetic old brute Hosni Mubarak has become.Here he is telling ABC that he'd love to give up power, really he would, but he's afraid Egypt would collapse into chaos without his steady hand at the wheel.

He must have thought he was a Pharaoh that would live forever.
Of course that's why he was going to have his son take over so the
name Mubarak would live on.
And, who the US would also have inevitably supported.

Of course this say's a lot about our State Department and intelligence
gathering agencies who have full time employees who's only job it is,
is to analyze what goes on in Egypt.
Yet for some reason their analysis is either ignored or dismissed by
higher level officials...
leading to the question: why are they needed?

So now what you hear from Hillary Clinton and others is; 'we told them
to change for years, but they didn't listen'.
Then why should the US listen to them?

Oh yeah I forgot; so that we may have the distinctive honor of giving
them $1.2 billion in military aid, and $250 million for their people.

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